Cannes Lions


LG2, Montreal / VALENTINE / 2014

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Quebec's 7 million French-speaking souls represent a very small market compared with English speaking 'Rest of Canada' and an even smaller when comparing the Canadian province with North America. In Quebec, the media landscape is ruled by a few major media companies who share and control most of the content distribution. There isn't much space left for original branded content targeted to specific audiences because the reach is limited. Quebec-specific content is indeed often targeted at a much older core target because of volume considerations.

In Quebec, regulations proscribe from advertising to people under 13 years old; advertisers must make sure their branded content does not target this audience or seem like it does.


In the French-speaking Canadian province of Quebec, QSR chain Valentine wanted to attract, engage and generate a quality relationship with young adults. In order to rise above the strong international competition, the underdog needed to stand out with a bold and original idea.

When everybody was talking about healthy eating habits and changing their menu to add salads and half portions, Valentine decided to fully assume its fast-food category and to engage young adults through the use of gaming by turning a guilty pleasure into a rewarding game.


'Walk off your poutine' quickly found its way in the Quebec market. It made the brand attractive to the right consumers, who were strongly engaged by the experience, and generated quality business, well beyond Valentine’s investment.

- #1 app in Canada in its category in less than a week, ahead of giants Starbucks, 7-Eleven and Urbanspoon

- Press coverage in top-tier Quebec media as well as social media brand equity for a value of over 150,000

- 50,000+ downloads

- 5,000+ transactions

- 300 million+ steps

- 10 million+ calories burnt

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