Cannes Lions


VML SPAIN, Madrid / AUSONIA / 2024

Case Film
Supporting Content
Supporting Images






Ausonia, a feminine hygiene brand by P&G, has been a pioneer in making a tangible contribution to Breast Cancer Research in Spain, donating one minute of research per pack sold for 17 years. However, the initiative was not resonating with younger audiences that perceived this cause as more relevant to women further along in life.

The brief was to foster a connection with younger generations and emotionally reconnect with them by demonstrating in a meaningful and engaging way Ausonia's unwavering commitment to supporting breast cancer research as a relevant cause for women of all ages.

The objectives were to strengthen the link between Ausonia and Breast Cancer Research for generation 18- to 24; as well as deploying new mechanisms for the audience to engage and collaborate by donating more minutes; amplifying the campaign and gain further reach to raise awareness for the cause.


In our objective to challenge people’s perception of aging to help donate to breast cancer research, we created an experiment where we showed young women a picture of their future older selves, and upon their negative reactions we revealed Marta, another women who, contrary to them, had a positive reaction to seeing herself old. We then discover Marta is a 25-year-old breast cancer survivor who once though she wouldn’t get to live much longer.

The video invited to share an “aged selfie” using our special filter, and for each picture shared we’d fund 1 minute of breast cancer research.

The initiative was shared by major Spanish influencers, profiles who had previously engaged in negative conversation about aging, and Ausonia’s ambassadors who spoke up about the importance of funding research to help women live longer free from breast cancer.


Our campaign aims make cancer research support a relevant cause for young females. Our research revealed that despite their commitment to social responsibility, they perceived breast cancer as a concern affecting older generations, leading to a lack of engagement. However, we uncovered a tension that was about to turn this around: Who wants to get old? Most people don’t. Especially the younger generation. We re-framed the perception of aging from being a fear to a privilege. How? By facilitating a discussion between cancer survivors and a young generation obsessed with anti-aging. Our strategy involved meeting them where they spend much of their time— social platforms (specifically, Instagram)—picking key influencers to amplify our message and reignite connection with the next generation. To further bridge the gap, we harnessed the power of a popular SM trend: filters. A digital tool they usually use, now turned into a minute donation gadget.


We created a social film to launch our campaign in September, a month before International Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

Then, to give our audience a mechanism to engage and donate to breast cancer research, we created an Instagram filter, one based on the “Aged” filter trend, on that instead of feeding the algorithm with negative views about aging, invited young women could share “aged selfies” to unapologetically claim “I want to get old” and help fight breast cancer.

The campaign was shared by our brand ambassadors and major Spanish influencers, some of whom had previously shared negative opinions about their older selves.

Meanwhile, in-store, our initiative “1 pack = 1 minute” ran alongside the digital activation from September to November.

We also held events with the Spanish Cancer Association to start conversations about the importance of research between ambassadors and breast cancer survivors.


In FY23/24 alone, an additional 6,029,638 minutes were dedicated to research, duplicating the total amount donated in the previous year (+100.1% increase)

· €361,778.28 raised for breast cancer research in FY23/24, contributing to a cumulative €3.36 million in donations and 56 million minutes of research time.

· The campaign's digital influencer activities registered 3.7 million impressions and 33.3 thousand organic clicks.

· The strategic execution secured extensive reach, with 97 media clippings from the event phase and notable engagement with 174,310 social media impressions via branded content in ELLE magazine, successfully meeting the brand's objectives.

· Thanks to this collective effort, initiatives led by doctors Aura Carreira and Antonio Celia to raise awareness and provide treatments for breast cancer could kick off, marking a meaningful stride forward in our battle against this disease.

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