Cannes Lions

Watch Me Now


Case Film
Case Film
Supporting Content






Conceived 130 years ago, Avon was now fighting for relevance in the modern world. Perceived as low-quality, cheap and outdated, Avon was declining in penetration, sales and market share.

Despite awareness of almost 100% only a third of women considered Avon relevant to their lives and 38% saw their products as good quality. Avon had moved from good value to plain cheap. To make the matters worse, these problems were even more dramatic amongst emerging adult audience 15-24.

We needed to create a dramatic reappraisal. With such distinctive history, we needed Avon to stand for something that felt true to the brand and exciting for consumers and representatives. We needed something that helped elevate the quality perception and inspire an engaging experience. On top of all this, Avon also needed a consistent visual identity and messaging for all touchpoints, replacing the fragmented situation in which the brand found itself.


Like so many stories we hear and experience, Avon was going through something that all women can relate to. They face barriers, stereotypes and unconscious bias. So, one day, they start doubting themselves.

What Avon was going through was no different from what every woman experience in their lifetime. A comeback story from Avon could be an inspiring comeback story for every woman. And from this the new global brand idea ‘Watch me Now’ was born.

‘Watch me now’ is a call to revaluate preconceptions. A call to surprise, to believe in yourself, to prove them wrong, to beat the odds. A call out for every woman to step into their power and fulfil their potential.

‘Watch Me Now’ reminds Avon of its story and gives it the confidence to stand up for itself and show the world what it could do. Thus, inspiring every woman to do the same.


From the inside we discovered a pioneering beauty brand that for over a century has been creating positive change for women. Avon has been shaping entire communities around the world by providing opportunities via its products, the causes it supports and its representative’s network.

We saw a brand that was making a meaningful social impact, breaking the barriers that keep women from fulfilling their potential and helping to create a better world for themselves.

For over a century Avon has been transforming lives for the better. It is the impact across these three elements: world-class beauty products accessible to everyone, helping entrepreneurs run successful beauty businesses and making meaningful contributions to some of the most important causes in the world, that created the opportunity for competitive advantage and a new brand role.

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