Cannes Lions

Water Snacks


Case Film
Supporting Images






Research says that the symptoms are so similar that 40% of people mistake thirst with hunger.

And this leads to dehydration, gain weight and obesity.

We wanted people to question what their bodies are really in need of.

So we created the Water Snacks – special packaging in the shape of the most common snacks, but rather than containing food, they contain water.

We placed them into special vending machines, right next to regular ones. And gave people the chance to choose.


We took some of the most common snacks: sandwich, chips and chocolate bars. And we designed special packaging with those same shapes, but containing water.

The design of the Water Snack is clean and simple, in order to differentiate them from all other existing snacks.

Everything is in black and white and the outcome is a product that reflects the physical attributes of universal snacks.

The packaging has been made in Tetra Pak, maintaining the dimensions of real snacks and thus fitting perfectly into the vending machine.

We placed our special vending machine right next to a regular one. We branded the machine entirely in black and white and on its side a big headline read the campaign line, questioning people about what their bodies really needed.

Other water snacks and special vending machines are being placed all around the GGC – in offices, cafes and parks.


- Our special vending machine sold 290% more then the regular snack-selling vending machines, sparing thousands of unnecessary calories.

- 70% of consumers approached the regular machine and then changed their mind - choosing to have water instead of regular snacks.

- Other special vending machines are being placed throughout the GGC – in offices, cafes and parks.

- Brand affinity rose by 32%.

- The Water Snacks raised awareness about the importance of drinking more water for a healthy lifestyle.

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