Cannes Lions


GALLEGOS UNITED, Huntington beach / XFINITY / COMCAST / 2019

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We didn’t want to be another company celebrating Hispanicity for Hispanic Heritage Month. Given the tumultuous climate in 2018, it was critical to say and do something that meant something. We wanted to stand by our Hispanic customers and show them we are in it together -- assuring them, and ALL Americans, that they always have a voice no matter the situation.

It was imperative to the brand that we were not political, while still communicating the message in and elevated and impactful way. The objective was to build brand love by being inclusive, inviting, positive, and celebratory (as in being celebrated, recognized and admired.). We wanted to amplify peoples voices, we didn’t want to create a new conversation, but join theirs.


Xfinity made a declaration for unity and inclusivity on the day the Constitution was signed

and on the eve of Hispanic Heritage month. Championed by the diverse voices of real

Hispanic Americans and their intimate stories, we launched the "We La Gente" campaign, anchored by a short-form film, with a hyper-segmented Hispanic media buy. Xfinity impacted the Hispanic American community, instilling a sense of pride in the power of their voice. This campaign also reminded ALL Americans that our different backgrounds are what collectively shape and strengthen the values that this nation was founded upon.


The brief was to amplify consumers’ voices, so “Because there is more than one voice” became the overarching strategic message. We did not just make an ad but set out to join people’s rally cry for unity, appreciation, and the collective strength in taking actions to build a better future for all.

There is nothing that portrays what this country is all about better than the preamble of the Constitution. “We the people” speaks about inclusivity in the most genuine way possible.

Even though the preamble has been used in other marketing efforts, it was never used as the springboard to show how “we the people” includes all Americans; even those sometimes marginalized as non-Americans. The Constitution, in their own words, complemented by their personal stories let us aligning their values to the ones this country has, and aligning their faces, to the faces of America.


‘We the People’ - The US Constitution’s first three words, affirm that the nation exists to serve ALL of its citizens, not just certain citizens.

The tumultuous climate in 2018 left many Hispanic Americans feeling marginalized, with uncertainty around what it means to be "American." As a company headquartered in Philadelphia, the birthplace of the Constitution, Xfinity could not let this go unnoticed. Being the creators of the first bilingual voice remote, we sought to reaffirm the fundamental principles that the Constitution’s founding fathers intended and that everyone, no matter who they are, has a voice.

Xfinity made a declaration for unity and inclusivity on the day the Constitution was signed and the eve of Hispanic Heritage month. Championed by the diverse voices of real Hispanic Americans and their intimate stories, we launched the We La Gente campaign, anchored by a short-form film, with a hyper-segmented Hispanic media buy. Xfinity impacted the Hispanic American community, instilling a sense of pride in the power of their voice.


Soon after the campaign launched, people began to colloquially use the phrase, “We La Gente”; everyone from local activists to the women of congress on Capitol Hill.

“We la Gente” generated over 8.1 million total views and over 800k engagements across platforms/assets within its first month of running. The #WeLaGente hashtag alone reached a total of 3.8 million views across all platforms creating over 1.6 million engagements and leading the social conversation of diversity.

In partnership and support of our message, networks like E! Entertainment, Universal Studios Hollywood, Universal Studios Orlando, BravoTV, Access Hollywood, Dreamworks Animation and Telemundo adopted the #WeLaGente hashtag, increasing hashtag usage by 400%.

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GALLEGOS UNITED, Huntington beach



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