Cannes Lions



Presentation Image
Case Film






A man is sitting in his local café; it's a beautiful day and things are all very normal. Suddenly a beautiful blonde woman catches his attention. There's something in her; the sensual red glasses, the way she's laughing with her friends... she is so full of confidence. Full of life. The man gazes at her, but just seconds after he realises his own reaction and turns his eyes to the table and his hands.

The man leaves the café and enters his local optician store, Instrumentarium, for assistance in his sudden need. Conversation with the trusted optician takes a while, but as the result the main character leaves the store relieved. He got just what he was looking for.

Back home he stops to look at himself in the mirror. He studies his own reflection with care and finally gathers his strength: the time has come.

The following day we're back at the same table of the same café, only that one thing is significantly different. The main character has revealed her inner beauty and is now sitting there more confident than ever. Her sensual, red glasses as a cherry on top.

Text plate on screen: "We'll find your strength."


The corner stones of the Instrumentarium brand are having the best possible service and offering quality products. Each customer is served with an individual solution, fitting both the personality and physical needs. After all, eyewear is about lifestyle and appearance, but also essential for vision correction to many.

High-quality lenses with right strengths will help you see better, but sometimes it's seeing one's inner strength we need help with. A trusted optician provides you the best possible solution for both.

To communicate these both sides of the brand, an emotional concept "We'll Find Your Strength" was created.


The campaign achieved its main goal: it moved the people and started a conversation between the brand and the public for the first time in Instrumentarium's history. Hundreds of letters were pouring in already within the first hours after the campaign launch on a Sunday evening. Customer satisfaction and feedback rate rouse literally 500 % almost over night. Incredible 98 % of all feedback was utmost positive and to our surprise very detailed and personal. Even trans genders were sending in letters thanking for being showed in a positive light – or even acknowledged, for that matter! – for the first time ever.

But the real surprise was the average Finns writing in and thanking Instrumentarium for open-minded and brave brand behaviour. Also at the same time the whole country made its move towards equality, when the gender-equal marriage bill was, in fact, passed with votes 105 to 92.

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