Cannes Lions



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Case Film






Our world is full of extreme social contrasts. While we in Europe live in privilege, 870 million people worldwide suffer from hunger and malnutrition. But this problem just seems far, far away. Sometimes, these two worlds collide right in front of our eyes. In Advertising. Let’s say at a bus stop. There we see a typical NGO donation poster. And 3 steps next to it one of these overwhelming first-world-too much-of-everything-posters! Quite a clash! But why not use this in our favor?

So we developed a whole new mobile donation system for our Client, The UN World Food Program. We call it the „WFP Food Link. We equipped two conflicting posters with NFC technology and coded tags that made it possible to actually carry food from one world to another. All it took was 3 simple steps:

Move your phone over the poster and grab some food of your choice! Without downloading an app or anything. Then carry it to the other side on your smartphone and deliver it to the boy in the poster.

It has never been easier. Now you have the chance to donate the actual value of your chosen food. An automatically generated facebook post announced that you were now an official supporter of the UN World Food Program. After one week each donor was then surprised with a personalized thank you card, that showed them who received the donation. The act of donating was turned into something truly personal, instantly rewarding and even entertaining. Because it is so simple, we are extending this idea further and further. And more than 2500 donations in the first week showed that it is not impossible to bring distant worlds together and do something good, while waiting for the bus!


We developed a whole new mobile donation system: „The WFP Food Link.“

We equipped two conflicting posters with NFC technology and coded tags that made it possible to actually carry food from one world to another. All it took was 3 simple steps:

Move your phone over the poster and grab some food of your choice! Without downloading an app or anything. Then carry it to the other side on your smartphone and deliver it to the boy in the poster. Then you had the chance to donate the actual value of your chosen food.


The act of donating was turned into something truly personal, instantly rewarding and even entertaining. Because it is so simple, we are extending this idea further and further. And more than 2,500 donations in the first week showed that it is not impossible to bring distant worlds together and do something good, while waiting for the bus!

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