Cannes Lions


McKINNEY, Durham / MIZUNO / 2015

Presentation Image
Case Film






In the running-shoe industry, the majority of marketing communications focuses on the impact that running can have on an individual in terms of self-improvement, self-reliance, etc. By instead discussing how running has the power to change the world, we were able to catch the attention of consumers in the marketplace who had come to expect the same old thing from advertisers. The aspiration and inspiration of our creative message connected with people on one level. But it was the use of data and statistics — the fact that we were proving what would happen instead of just preaching or imagining — that resonated and connected people emotionally with the thought of a world filled with runners.

For the duration of the campaign, we averaged over 12,000 site visits per day to, which hosted the campaign’s microsite featuring the research and data included in the communications platform. That was an increase of +69% versus the 2013 average. Site traffic peaked at 36,000 visits on the day of the launch. Average time on-site was over four minutes and 30 seconds, an increase of 67% versus the 2013 average, as visitors spent ample time with the site experience, reading through all of the featured statistics. More than 72,000 Facebook fans were added and over 6,000 people tweeted with the hashtag, #IfEverybodyRan, in the first month of the campaign, many of them sharing individual statistics from the microsite. This led to nearly 25MM earned social media impressions. The campaign was featured in articles in the New York Times, Time, Ad Age, BroBible and Huffington Post, among others.


Data collected by the student research team was at the heart of the majority of creative executions in the campaign. Statistics discovered through the research were highlighted in the campaign’s microsite, digital banners and social posts. The communications platform was, in essence, the use of statistics found to educate the audience about the impact of a world filled with runners.

Following the commission of the statistical analysis, the student research team became an integral part of the final stages of creative concepting. As the results of the analysis came to light, the statistics were examined by the creative team and adapted to fit into the overall campaign’s communications structure. Some statistics were highlighted on the microsite, while others existed merely in social posts or the final white paper written by the research team. All of the creative touch points of the campaign’s ecosystem were designed to expose consumers to the ideal amount and right kinds of statistical data, depending on the media in which it was consumed.

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