Cannes Lions

Wi-Fi Cast


Presentation Image
Demo Film






People who ride skateboards like freedom, and adrenaline. However, accidents happen, and a broken arm can keep you away from your skateboard. Besides that, Brazil has an awful mobile internet signal.

Away from the skateboard, far from a good internet signal. There is no way you can escape boredom. So, how can we help the skaters have fun?

We created the SANTA CRUZ CAST WI-FI, a different plaster, designed specially to provide high quality wi-fi signal with long-lasting batteries. This way, the young ones can stay away from the sport, but also from boredom.

We used as media the arms and legs of 12 influential skaters that had a broken bone. They went to the skateboard rinks and used the internet signal to have fun, make videos and post maneuvers. This way, they spread the message that Santa Cruz Skateboard is always there, even when you’re away from the skateboard.


For SANTA CRUZ CAST WI-FI’s implementation, we picked 12 influent skaters that had recently broken a leg or arm, and since they were going to the orthopedist, we proposed a new kind of plaster, with wi-fi internet access.

That way, we created a new product, with a powerful wi-fi signal so they could have fun and scape boredom through their phones, and also active our message at the main place where our target gathers: the skateboard rinks, taking avenge of the fact that those places have very poor internet signal.

Timeline: we started approaching the influencers of the skateboard world that had recently broken a bone. We gave them a new plaster with wi-fi in it and we followed their posts on social media while they went to the skate parks.

By the end of the project, we shared a case on Santa Cruz’s social medias.


During and after the action, Santa Cruz’s main social medias had a 6% increase on their followers. The brand was also more commented by skaters on social media and forums.

More than that, the Santa Cruz Skateboard brand went back to being commented by its target, who changed their impression about the brand, thinking about it as a modern brand now.

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