Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image






A roaring fire. A puppy. A tipsy grandma and a unicorn in the back garden.

Mulberry brings to life an average British Christmas.

There is an unspoken sense of one-upmanship in the family as everyone wants to give the best gift.

#WinChristmas is Mulberry’s first piece of conceptual advertising.


We open on a living room on Christmas day.

It is clear from the high ceiling and large windows, and the art tastefully decorating the tall white walls, that we are in a fine country pile. Five perfectly spaced stockings hang down from the ledge above the fireplace, which in itself is coated in Christmas cards. As for the Christmas tree in the corner, it could have been picked straight from the pages of a Dickens novel. Proud, covered with ornate decorations and surrounded by a sea of presents. And around the presents, in several luxurious chairs, sit a well-dressed family handing out presents and sipping champagne. It’s Richard Curtis meets Wes Anderson. British quaintness meets over stylised beauty.

There’s the hosts, mum and dad, a couple of around 55. A bullish man with a rugby build and military pretences, and his very sweet wife beside him.

There’s the youngest daughter of around 18. She looks so innocent it’s suspicious. A perfect child with the family around no doubt, but something about her says hell raiser.

Then there’s nan. Is she aware what’s going on? Maybe. Does she care? Not a jot. Her brandy glass is full, the armchair has several cushions and no one is trying to talk to her. Things are perfect.

Finally there is the star couple. Late twenties, fashionably dressed with perfect hair. The boyfriend, a rower probably, is meeting the in laws for the first time, and he is trying way too hard to try and impress them.

The daughter, although not a model, is gorgeous in a homely way. She has the sort of face that makes you feel like you won something when you make her smile. And it’s her turn to open her presents.

Her little sister, smiling, hands her a big rectangle present. The older sister unwraps it to reveal a portrait of her.

OLDER SISTER: Wow! Did you do this?

YOUNGER SISTER: Yeh! It took me ages!

We see half impressed faces of the other family members. It’s a pretty good gift. Except nan. She reacts like nothing has happened.

OLDER SISTER: Aw thank you!

Mum and dad’s turn now. Mum hands her a big box with a bow.

MUM: Merry Christmas, darling!

The daughter does a little squeal of delight seeing the present. She lifts the lid and squeals again- there’s the cutest puppy in the world in there!

MUM: And he waves.

Mum says nonchalantly.

We look back at the dog and he waves his little paw. The whole family find it very cute. We can see the younger sister a bit annoyed her gift has already been trumped.

Mum is chuffed as is humanly possible. Her back straightens she looks around the room as if to say: ‘See if you can beat that’.

The boyfriend’s turn and he’s looking very confident. He taps his beloved on the shoulder and asks her to come to the window. He taps on the window and beckons something.

A beautiful white horse backs in to shot.


BOYFRIEND: Wait. . .

He beckons the horse more and reveals it’s not a horse, but a Unicorn. Yup, he got her a unicorn.

BOYFRIEND: (Very very smugly) It’s a unicorn.

Something inside the girl crumbles. Between the unicorn and the boyfriend, she doesn’t know which to love more.

OLDER SISTER: Thank you!

We see the family react. Mum and daughter can’t believe he’s got her a nicer present than them. Nan looks like she’s going to be sick she finds the present so cheesy.

All eyes turn expectantly to nan. Her turn.

Moving at about half a mile an hour, she creeks out of her chair and staggers over to the presents. Oh dear. This could be embarrassing. Does she even know what Christmas is anymore? How cringe worthy is this present going to be? The rest of the family share a few awkward looks, all slightly worried at what might happen next. There is a lot of tension suddenly.

She reaches down, coolly hands over a badly wrapped present, and turns around to walk back to her chair, almost like an action hero turning their back and walking away form an explosion - just much slower.

OLDER SISTER: Thank you Grandma.

Everything goes muted except the sound of wrapping paper being taken apart. There’s one final rip and BOOM. . .

All the thought and consideration and effort that went in to the other presents vanishes. All of it gone.

Because now, in her hands, is the new Mulberry Hibiscus Bayswater. She looks at nan.


She starts screaming with such excitement that mum almost spills her drink. She is making a very big deal as she cant quite believe it.

She jumps around the room, spinning with her new bag. She’s like a child.


She holds the bag up to her sisters face.

OLDER SISTER: Look at it!

Suddenly it’s all very awkward, like painfully so.

The boyfriend is totally emasculated. He stares off in to the middle distance, not quite understanding how he isn’t top dog anymore. He shoos the unicorn away.

Her sister looks disheartened. She knows her present has just become totally forgettable.

We do a pan across all their irritated faces, including the puppy, spliced with the girl still screaming.

OLDER SISTER: This is the best present ever!

We cut to nan, who sits back in her chair and basks in their despondent faces. You can just see from one side of her mouth the very faintest of smiles being raised.

But she might as well have been giving them all the middle finger.


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