Cannes Lions

Winning in the Application Economy


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Today, every aspect of our lives is driven by apps. They’re everything, to everyone. Which means businesses large and small are now in the app game, and they need help. For nearly 40 years, CA Technologies has been one of the world’s largest enterprise software providers. The problem? For most business leaders, CA was synonymous with only mainframe offerings—one legacy piece of a much more robust puzzle that CA calls “the application economy.” What CA needed to do was pivot their brand awareness and become known as the company that empowers companies to build the rich apps, services and software experiences customers everywhere demand.


We saw the opportunity to deliver a powerful awareness message that inspired our target audiences with examples of the opportunities they could seize, and simultaneously demonstrate exactly how CA Technologies helps businesses build amazing apps.

CA makes technologies that help people make software. Apps that process enormous amounts of data. We needed an event that produced an enormous wealth of data from many different sources. An event like the U.S. presidential election. And that’s where CNN came in.

We partnered with the news organization to create the CNN Politics App—a one-of-a-kind digital hub for the network’s minute-to-minute election content—built with CA Technologies. The app pulled together massive amounts of data that drove CNN’s on-air election coverage, gave viewers a rich, interactive experience, and worked as a money-where-our-mouth-is demonstration of the kinds of digital products CA helps companies create in the real world.


After their exposure to ads and video, preference for CA skyrocketed 56 percentage points, from 4% to 60%, for ITDMs and shot up 43 percentage points, from 10% to 53%, for BDMs.

Organic interest in the CNN Politics App was remarkable, with downloads to date exceeding original goals by 33%.

From the beginning of this campaign recall of our “App Economy” message hit 32%, up 13% pts from the last pre-campaign metric of 19%. Recall continued to rise through August, reaching 34%.

Familiarity exploded from 50% to 65% from March 1st to May 27th, 2016, and although we softened our approach during summer, we maintained familiarity with 62%.

The campaign generated more than a thousand press articles.

Videos available through the New York Times website exceeded 300,000 in views with viewing times averaging 90 secs.

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