Cannes Lions

Without Consent - A Message from Ella



1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image
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Studies have shown that a child aged 5 already has an average of 1,500 pictures of themselves on the Internet that have been uploaded without their consent by the people they trust the most: their parents.

This behavior is turning social media into a treasure trove of data which criminals can exploit in more ways than ever. With the current rise of AI and deepfake technology, it has never been easier to misuse this personal data leading to severe dangers like identity theft, facial recognition, fraud and even child pornography.

With the digital privacy of a whole generation at risk, Germany’s leading telecommunications brand Deutsche Telekom is committed to take action by promoting awareness of responsible media usage and urging parents to reconsider their online sharing habits – and finally start to #ShareWithCare.


Using the latest Al technology on a single photograph, a virtually aged version of a 9-year-old girl named Ella was created. In the film she confronts her parents – and by extension parents worldwide – with the consequences of sharing kids' data online, sending a gut-wrenching warning from the future. This way, the film became both a literal demonstration of extensive AI manipulation capabilities and an emotional plea for the online safety of all children.

As part of the campaign, a solution to the problem was also developed: a social media filter pixelating children’s faces, empowering parents to #ShareWithCare and easily protect their children’s privacy.


Promoting the #ShareWithCare message requires a media mix that strategically concentrates on the channels where the issue is prevalent and requires transformation. Parents, parents-to-be, opinion leaders, multipliers and influencers in society were addressed via specific targeting on the individual platforms. In addition to the highly emotional film, native creator content from influencers was also used to address the target group.

To bring the emotions to a climax, “Ella” was also shown on the big screen at the cinema.

The mix of the emotional campaign film and the authentic native content from individually selected creators lent authenticity to the implementation by showcasting real experiences and genuine concern. The personal connection with the creators and the authentic and creative content strengthens the quality of the message.


Summer holiday season involves a peak of sharing emotional moments of children in social media – the optimal time to launch the #ShareWithCare initiative.

Both the film and influencer content were distributed via Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, X, LinkedIn and YouTube. Native integrations on TikTok and Instagram sent the message closely and personally to the target group.

TikTok focused on relevant placements to maximize reach and impact, e.g. TikTok Pulse (top 4% of the most streamed videos from the parents and family sector), Top View and a daytime placement with contextual reference to World Children's Day. Additionally, the face filter was utilized, enabling individuals to anonymize images and become advocates for the initiative.

X and LinkedIn were used to activate opinion leaders and decision-makers to spread and position the topic.

To intensify the emotional impact, "Ella" also made a cinematic appearance with premium placements guaranteeing maximum impact.


The #ShareWithCare initiative achieved impressive results and became a viral hit, reaching 71 countries with over 51 million views and 2.9 billion impressions.

In Germany, the initiative achieved 119 million contacts, the success of the campaign was significantly driven by the combination of advertising materials with tailored adaptation to diverse platforms. Ella’s message made it from the internet to parents' evenings in schools and nurseries. Governments and police forces use the film as an educational tool.

Meta Brand Lift Study:

Ad Recall +26.4%pp (Benchmark 5,2%pp)

Brand Awareness +12.7%pp (Benchmark 1,9%pp)

Message Association +9.6%pp (Benchmark Telco 1%pp)

Kantar Brand Lift Study TikTok:

Ad Recall: +10.1%

Brand Awareness +9.6%

Brand Association +5.2%

Google Brand Lift Study: Ad Recall +6.4%pp

Youtube VTR: 64% (Benchmark 10%)

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