Cannes Lions


Anita&Vega, Buenos Aires / ATMA / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






Since 1936, Atma is dedicated to contribute to home wellbeing. Those are the main brand values that kickstarted the idea. The job to be done was to find a way to bring all the products in the portfolio under one single creative execution and message that empowered women in a way that was relevant to the brand. The specific aim of the idea was to separate household appliances from gender association.


Every household appliance in the world comes with a user guide. And every one of those user guides comes with a “common issues” or “frequent problems” section. We believe that one common issue in our society is that women are usually the ones that take care of household chores, and that takes time from their personal goals and professional growth. So Atma decided to alter the user guide of its products to include those issues along with the technical ones.


The following data was gathered from a survey, done by the CIS (Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas). Although its scope was broader, we cite the following extract:

The Center for Sociological Research has conducted a survey regarding perceptions about equality between men and women, as well as gender stereotypes. It also examined the distribution of household chores, care for dependents, and the behavior of both sexes.

Regarding the situation of women and the inequalities between men and women, 67.2% of women believe they are "very large or quite large"; when asked the same question, the percentage drops by almost 20 points to reach 48.2% among men.

Once we had the data set in place, it was time to find a vehicle that not only was applicable to the entire portfolio, which is relatively large, but also was engaging enough to raise eyebrows and stir the waters.


We printed the altered user guides for 5 of Atma’s appliances that were most perceived as being normally used by women (iron, vacuum cleaner, mixer, oven, blender) and included them in all those products manufactured from February 2024-present.

We then kickstarted the campaign mainly through social media and influencers, and also the brand’s owned media.

This was mainly a social media campaign using influencers that were relevant to the gender inequality issue. The main video spot was placed in the brand’s youtube channel and social media, but we had some organic responses: two of the most important news websites in the country and most importantly, a tv news show that aired nationally on prime-time.


The idea was recently implemented, and because of its nature we believe it needs time to fully reach its potential. We had great reception and generated conversation when we kickstarted de campaign, and people were able to share what was in the user guides, making them spend time with the brand. The earned media came from 3 newspaper articles and a mention on a news broadcast that aired nationally.

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