Cannes Lions



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The task was simple: Create a digital campaign for women.

However, when the brand is the U.S. Marine Corps, gender issues are never simple.

For decades, the Marines successfully built their brand as the world’s elite fighting force by looking for a few good men. Yet, as society’s evolved, so has the Marines’ need for greater female representation.

Research showed the brand’s equity as the toughest military branch led to perceived inequality, demanding physical requirements and limited roles as the reasons women couldn’t see themselves as Marines.

But how do you change a gender’s perception of your brand while staying true to it?

We focused on the reality that there are women who are Marines and are succeeding in this male-dominated environment.

We called our campaign Women On A Mission.

We asked female Marine Corps officers to tell their stories about gender issues and other subjects. Utilizing a documentary approach, these officers shattered myths and revealed what life is like in the Corps. We shared their stories in 100+ executions across:


• Social media

• Banners/pre-roll

• Partnerships

• Direct Mail

• Live Q&A

The campaign is turning reality into the perception and inspiring women to consider a life of service as a Marine.


As a military organization, the Marine Corps has historically been a male-dominated institution with a reputation for being the world’s elite warriors.

Today, they’re examining the roles of women within their ranks and evolving their recruiting approach to answer America’s call for greater gender representation.

To appeal to the female youth market, the Corps’ positioning needed to evolve to one of a military institution where women have a stronger presence in all ranks.

Those who want to challenge their limitations, depend on discipline and strength of character, and make a difference by serving their nation have an equal opportunity to achieve fulfillment as United States Marines.

This campaign addresses this evolved positioning by:

- Showcasing females with diverse backgrounds, life experiences and roles in the Marine Corps. According to primary research, young women identify with role models they feel they can emulate.

- Asking the selected female Marines to speak candidly about physical training, work/life balance, and gender stereotypes and shedding light on the realities of women in the Corps. Their personal stories clarify the roles of female Marines, while dissuading gender stereotypes and addressing the working relationship between males and females in the Marines.

- Reinforcing the success of women who are serving alongside and leading men—equal in responsibilities and authority—in all creative executions.


The Marine Corps established its objective:

- Change perceptions about gender equality in the Marine Corps

- Recruit more women

They’re accomplishing the mission.

Comments before the campaign were strikingly negative:

“Sandwich maker reporting for duty.”

“Is feminism taking control?”

“That’s a weird looking kitchen.”

Recent social media conversation surrounding this campaign, however, has yielded more positive remarks about women in the Marine Corps from both men and women:

“This is a woman I aspire to be!”

“Take the time to watch this.”

“That’s freaking amazing.”

Impressions, to date, are an astounding 73.6 million.

In addition to changing perceptions, the campaign has influenced more than 16,000 females to seek out more information about the Marine Corps. That’s more than all the women currently serving.

By responding decisively when the nation calls, the Marines are strengthening their connections with American women—who aspire to make a lasting difference in the world—and strengthening their organization.