Cannes Lions



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ATTENTION: PLEASE DO NOT PRINT!This case is not about a fundraising record. It is about one simple question: How do we stop people destroying the last primeval forests by pressing “print” on their computers?A big issue on the agenda of the WWF.The World Wildlife Fund for Nature is the one organization when it comes to protecting the habitat of endangered species. For over 50 years, the WWF has been struggling with worldwide protective zones to preserve the planet’s last primeval forests.Paper is one of the biggest threats: We consume 367 million tons paper. Consumption has grown sevenfold over the last 50 years . Every second tree cut down by industry is for paper production. And we print 60 trillion pages every year. So we are all part of the problem.Our challenge: We need a campaign that goes beyond fundraising. We need to actively reduce paper consumption – and make people conscious of how much their unnecessary printing costs the planet.A great cause for the greater good of the planet. But with three crucial barriers that had to be dealt with:•People are deaf to calls for rainforest protection.•Printing is a learned behaviour. Each daily web user prints out 28 pages per day on average •We needed to change this behaviour – without billions of dollars, but on a severely limited budget.Our strategy: A file we all use every day becomes the message – With .wwf, we develop the first PDF file format that saves trees, as it cannot be printed out. And with the slogan “Save as wwf. Save a tree.” we not only make people around the world aware of the issue. We also make it clear how they could do their part to actively protect the last primeval forests.The result: More Awareness. Less printing. Trees saved.

Highlight results:•Over 60 million people became aware of the connection between printing less to save trees.

•367.000 informed themselves more deeply on the campaign website. Over 210.000 watched the Video on YouTube.•Over 70.000 people from 193 different countries became active ambassadors by downloading the .wwf file format.•Since campaign start, approximately 792 million documents were not printed out.In conclusion, with a small idea we have not only formed the basis for a change in behaviour of pointless printing – We actively saved trees.

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