Cannes Lions

WWF Save What You See


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WWF solely relies on donations to continue its environmental work. Unfortunately, it is becoming increasingly difficult to get people to donate for the environment. People are hesitant because they wonder what happens to their money and what impact can they make as an individual.

WWF needed a way to overcome this donation fatigue and help secure funds for the Amazon rainforest.


SAVE WHAT YOU SEE: a banner that saved an area of the Amazon rainforest EXACTLY the size of a mobile screen. For the first time, people could easily visualize what and how much they were protecting, making it easier for them to get over their doubts about donating.


The target audience was anyone who cares for the planet and the rainforest.

That involves a broad range of audiences between ages 18 and 80. To optimally target the right people, Save What You See was displayed in context-appropriate environments. For example, on major news outlets that report on climate protection daily, on weather sites that have dedicated pages for climate change and on blogs that talk about environmental issues.


Save What You See was a full-screen banner that adapted to the screen size of the mobile that it was being displayed on. Clicking on this banner meant saving an area of the Amazon rainforest exactly the size of the mobile screen.

Thanks to our media partners, we were able to make the first click free for the user. Of course, this was a small donation owing to how tiny the area being protected was. However, clicking on the banner got users to a landing page where they could visualize the cost of protecting larger areas of the rainforest in real-time, this time with their own money.

Save What You See was displayed on context-appropriate websites like major news outlets that report on climate protection daily or weather sites that have dedicated pages for climate change. Starting on the 29th of January 2024, the banner ran for a period of 6 weeks.


During their six-week runtime, the Save What You See banners were clicked over 7 million times and outperformed the industry benchmark by 226%, with some formats even going over 500%. This led to more than 1.7 million square meters of the rainforest being saved.

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