Cannes Lions


ICONOCLAST, Paris / X / 2024


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Original Content






Situation: director aims to create a captivating music video for "Xena", her first music video direction.

Brief: The goal is to craft an innovative and visually stunning music video that reflects the energy and essence of the song. Highlight the artistic expression and originality of the sound through evocative imagery and visually immersive storytelling.

Objective: Position the music video as a remarkable work of artistic creativity and cinematic achievement. Capture the audience's attention and generate increased interest in the song and director. Create a memorable visual experience that leaves a lasting impression on viewers, while showcasing a powerful message.


The creative idea was to showcase a powerful feminist music video, at the time where Turkey and Iran were devastated by an earthquake.

The goal was to focus on those powerful women and highlight their fight towards revolution, in countries where everything had to be built again; to show that in the midst of the chaos, women where resisting, thirsty for life.

We wanted to show the duality in the culture, as well as in the hearts of the people, between modernity and tradition, with passion and rage. Those women want to be free, more than ever, even if the world has fallen apart they will be standing on their feet, dancing and building it again, like a phoenix rising from the ashes.


The film reinforced the power and popularity of Skrillex in the music industry, especially just after doing his comeback. The video, due to its feminist and socially committed topic was well received by the audience, not only in the US but worldwide and in Turkey as well.

The music video got over 2 million 765 000 views on YouTube since its release in July, with more than 3 200 comments, which shows a strong engagement from Skrillex's fanbase but also viewers in general.


Its very rare and special to work on a film like this…and yet also very difficult in the process to explore capturing such a truth: to experience a place that deals with the aftermath of a huge tragedy. What does it mean to be in a country where such intense events have occurred and the bones of what has happened is still there? For me, this film is about getting to know this place and knowing these people — the ones who lead revolution…they are the strength, the ones I want to know, feel and be close to.

Horror and beauty co-existing at once in their lives, as they face the future in its new possibility and uncertainty, and mend the horror of what has already been done. There is an immense bravery instinctually inside of them. These are the Xenas.


After its release, numerous art and music magazine including Rolling Stones acclaimed both the music and the video itself, applauding the "powerful series of scenes wherein women resist and overcome violence through music, dance and emotion."(EDM) This video was received as a "cinematic" experience, sending a powerful feminist message, especially after the earthquake.

In tandem with the video, Skrillex has announced partnering with OXFAM International to support donations towards the Turkey-Syria Earthquake Appeal, to support those who may be experiencing displacement and similar circumstances as a result of the event.

The "Xena" music video got over 2 million 765 000 views on YouTube since its release in July, reaching a broad audience within the US, UK, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Australia or France for example. In the comments, viewers often describe the video as powerful, highlighting its realness. Many express the talent of the director and her innovative vision.

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