Cannes Lions

XXX Date


Presentation Image
Case Film






Due to researches the majority of the TA is convinced that: "HIV does not concern me or my friends. This is the problem of drug-addicts, prostitutes and other "unsuccessful" people". Teens do not associate HIV-infection risks with "usual" unprotected sex with people they know.

Using interactive video-site we decided to imitate usual date and give teens an opportunity to have unprotected sex, after which — send them message on HIV-risks and testing method from their recent virtual partner.


To avoid "boring health" warnings — a mix of mystery and erotica was used in Vkontakte teaser ads portraying an attractive girl or boy with messages like "He/she is waiting", "Hot date" or "16+".

Ads led to an interactive website XXX Date, where game-like scenario is presented in the form of a interactive video date with the character of the opposite sex and the subsequent virtual sex without a condom, which the user himself or herself agrees to.

After sex, a virtual partner asks for personal contact information for the next meeting. Giving it, user activates a video, where a virtual partner writes a message that is physically and instantly delivered to users’ cell phone or e-mail. A message mentions risks of unprotected sex, and motivates doing HIV-tests in a nearby clinic. Also, the message contains a link to a website with other clinics and HIV-information.


The campaign has significantly exceeded its planned KPIs. Media campaign reach covered 78% of the audience, instead of the planned 60%. And in the first half-year of 2015 — 2.1 times more teenagers attended clinics for HIV-tests compared to the same period of 2013.

More than 30k "risk-group" teenagers form targeted regions of Ukraine visited the website of the campaign, 68% of them completed the interactive part, and every 2nd found the nearest clinic for a HIV-test. Campaign also has the delayed effect: by 5k e-mails and SMS messages we got into personal gadgets of teenagers and left a link to the website to be used just in case.

Overall, the project proved effectiveness of the targeted online campaigns in reaching narrow segments of the audience and bringing them to offline actions. Such campaign can serve as an excellent alternative to costly and less effective "standard" ANTIAIDS mass-media campaigns.

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