Cannes Lions

You are a woman. You have the power!


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Case Film
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For the first time in Greece, we would be planning an innovative, substantial programme that placed female patients at the centre of its actions, with the main goal of covering their actual, substantial needs.

The greatest challenge involved was that the communication of this programme had to reach and, AT THE SAME TIME, inform women patients and the general public. We were called upon to plan and implement a programme of extensive, nationwide appeal that would not be limited to the specific target-audience of female patients. Through this programme, female patients would be informed and participate in order to be equipped with all the tools they need in their everyday struggle, while the general public would be informed about the actual needs of female patients.


We planned 54 experiential seminars in Music therapy, Drama therapy, Art Therapy, Skin and Hair Treatment, Fashion, Make-Up, Neuropathic Pain, Lymphoedema, Yoga-Pilates, Positive Thinking, Cooking and Nutrition. Through the programme, each participant had the opportunity to explore herself and improve her quality of life, while regaining her self-confidence. The experiential seminars were held from 5 October to 12 November 2015 in a downtown Athens venue.

On Tuesday, 15 September 2015, a Press Conference was held at Benaki Museum.

On 4 October, the first Sunday of breast cancer awareness month, we planned a 12-page spread in 'VIMAgazino' magazine dedicated to survivors, the women who beat breast cancer.

We operated an info kiosk at Kolonaki Square (1-30 October)

We launched an online awareness campaign through Thunderclap

In cooperation with Attika Dpt. stores, we created a special window display to send a loud message of support to all women suffering from breast cancer.


- The workshops had 100% capacity, while he program gained more than 10.000.000 impressions.More than 2.6 million women were informed about the programme.

- 6,029 women were informed through the Info kiosk

- In a period of just 1½ months, the publicity program gathered more than a thousand mentions in online & print media:

-1500+ mentions on social media

- 4 news reports in main news bulletins

- 4 reports in TV shows

- 5 radio interviews & 15 radio mentions

- 87 articles in magazines & newspapers of national range

- 843 online articles

- 159 broadcasts of the TVC as public service announcement with extraordinary efficiencies for a free program.

Novartis Oncology Hellas will extend the program in 2016, due to its tremendous success.

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