Cannes Lions

You Don't Know The Half Of It



3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Supporting Content






Despite massive efforts to destigmatize substance misuse, society continues to dismiss users as helpless “addicts.” However, many fail to realize the truth: that one in every two people misusing substances also struggle with mental health challenges.

To illuminate the connection between these co-occurring disorders, particularly for young people who may unknowingly be self-medicating, we developed a relatable film that intuitively pairs mental health challenges with the unfortunate, yet inevitable result: a drink and other substances. Each line in the film is based off of an insight we heard when interviewing hundreds of teens suffering from co-occurring disorders. Ultimately, it aims to help society better understand the issue not just on a practical level, but emotionally, as well, changing the minds of young people, the public, and even policy across the country.


Young audiences can be notoriously difficult to connect with—especially in a drug-related PSA. To relate, we needed a lead actress that instantly telegraphed her own authentic lived experience with the disease, without appearing overpolished or too exposed to the commercial world.

Austin Patrick is not only working through her own issues related to co-occurring disorders, but she comes across as a relatable teenager. Her ability to deliver a raw and personal performance creates an instantly powerful connection with audiences that deeply resonate with their own experiences with the disorders. While no one person can have personal experiences with every mental health or substance miuse, Patrick is able to represent them all with subtle mannerisms that speak to a range of people and experiences.

The supporting cast was discovered through street casting, seeking out natural actors and non-actors, many of whom brought their own personal experiences to their performances.


This is the first film about co-occurring disorders in the United States. The film has been integrated into schools and rehabilitation clinics across the country and has been screened for both local and national policymakers in an effort to establish a national comprehensive treatment program designed to treat mental health challenges and substance misuse together. It has been covered in U.S. press extensively, on morning news shows, and has even debuted at the White House.