Cannes Lions


GREY URUGUAY, Montevideo / FUPIER / 2019

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In Uruguay, as in the rest of the world, running is becoming a habit. An everyday practice.

It’s part of most people’s routine.

But not only do we run for sport, we also run because world is crazy. Too hectic.

It takes us from a meeting to another, we’re always late.

We might not realize, but we run for many reasons.

But running because 30% of children with rare diseases die before turning 5 years-old if they don’t receive proper treatment, is a very relevant reason for running.

That’s where FUPIER’s invitation to their 5K stands from, an NGO that researches rare diseases invites you to run for children’s health.


We run for many reasons. Too many. So many that an audio piece is not enough to name them all. Some of those are significant reasons, others not that much.

Running because 30% of children with rare diseases die before turning 5 years-old if they don’t receive proper treatment is a reason beyond important to run.

That stat was key for the campaign.

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