Cannes Lions

Your Future in the Stars

R/GA, Sao Paulo / LINKEDIN / 2023

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Case Film
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GenZ Brazilians are entering the job market in the post-pandemic era, marked by changes in work culture, and a recession, both of which make it difficult for them to launch their careers.

And while Linkedin wanted to help, GenZ sees LinkedIn mainly as a job searching tool geared towards older audiences with already established careers.

Making things even more challenging still, we were competing against video-oriented entertainment platforms (TikTok, Instagram Reels), rendering LinkedIn as practically their last choice, with GenZers referring to LinkedIn as "too formal" and "boring".

Our objective was to show them, in a fun and relevant way, that LinkedIn is a powerful tool that can let them launch their careers, even in uncertain times.


LinkedIn turned to the stars to reach GenZ, creating the first professional horoscope to give students the guidance and tools they need to launch their careers. We merged astrology and the job market together in a digital campaign that bridged the gap between GenZ's personal interests and professional goals. We launched a digital platform where students answered five questions about their career goals, after which they received their professional sign - and a career chart with content personalized to them. The content included tips from renowned professionals of the job market, courses to take, people to follow, and articles to read, as well as access to the LinkedIn Premium features. To launch our campaign, we recruited a renowned astrologist with a huge GenZ following, Madama Brona, who released a series of assets on her channels, inviting her followers to participate.


Amongst GenZ, LinkedIn is one of the most criticized social platforms in Brazil, made clear by the high volume of negative comments on Reddit and Twitter, not to mention articles on Medium, all serving as the basis for our social listening.

Considering Gen Z’s unique challenges in pursuing a career, LinkedIn’s main goal was to connect with the target in a fun, relevant way that showcased itself as a powerful tool to help launch their careers.

To truly connect with them, we turned to a recent study in Brazil - 47% of GenZers were looking to astrology during these uncertain times - in fact, it’s even a saying in Brazil, to throw the question to the stars. We leveraged this trend by incorporating astrology into our platform to provide career guidance, creating a more inviting, relatable atmosphere for students, by bridging the gap between their personal interests and professional goals.


The primary touch point was crafting a digital platform that worked even with poor internet connection, providing an immersive experience with a humorous tone of voice that was relatable to GenZ. Once they accessed the platform, they had to answer five questions about their career aspirations, presented by renowned astrologist Madama Brona.

Based on their answers, our UX design categorized students into one of eight professional signs using a decision tree. Students received content relevant to their sign.

For the UI, we blended the LinkedIn Premium aesthetic with astrology elements. The color palette featured dark and golden tones from the brand guidelines. Illustrations inspired by celestial objects were the main foundation for our professional signs, such as "The BlaBlaBla Translator," and eight tarot cards, e.g. "The Collaborator." Details and animation created an otherworldly atmosphere as if students were receiving guidance on their professional futures in an astrological consultation.


We had +138K new premium sign ups using only organic communications, with no investment in paid media. This corresponds to more than 50% of the initial target.

We also saw a + 47% boost in premium signups, $170k in earned media, + 40% positive mentions on social media, and + 3M student reach.

And on the site itself, we had a +68% engagement rate amongst visitors, with 59% reaching the final results page.

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