Cannes Lions

Your Pepsi Home Video

VMLY&R, Shanghai / PEPSICO / 2019

Presentation Image
Demo Film
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Every Chinese New Year, most brands try to use one brand story to echo with 1.3 billion Chinese or to connect with them emotionally. However, the biggest challenge is that they are trying to connect with the most diversified and young consumers.

Therefore, Pepsi has to find a creative solution to overcome this challenge and stands out during this busiest season of brand marketing.


Every Chinese New Year, most brands try to use one brand story to echo with 1.3 billion Chinese or to connect with them emotionally. However, the biggest challenge is that they are trying to connect with the most diversified and young consumers.

Therefore, instead of using one brand video for mass communication, Pepsi decided to make 1.3 billion different videos for every single consumer.

Partnered with Alibaba to use each consumer's consumption data and personal tags to create a CNY video that only belongs to you. You are both the screenwriter and director of the story.


How do we turn cold data to tell a vivid story for young people?

Use data to tell a story for consumers: We are able to read everyone’s unique tags including hometown, age, and purchasing history under consumers’ permission. All these data can visualize every consumer and its life journey: its childhood memory, its favorite old song, its hobbies.

Use data visualization to resonate with consumers: With data, everyone’s consumer persona can be created and we are able to use each person’s uniqueness to connect with them individually. And we visualize these data from numbers of video clips, icons, voices, and turn it into everyone’s story. Every consumer can find part of itself in the video, therefore every video is unique. “Your Pepsi Home Video”, is where Pepsi talks not only at you, but to YOU, YOU, and YOU!


PepsiCo was the first brand to talk to consumers with one-on-one video content interaction based Alibaba database. So everyone can see part of itself in this H5 video.

To make this happen, all the video clips are collected based on the data label classification in 34 provinces and cities. This can generate 150,000 video possibilities from segments of different dialects, hometown views, local restaurants, and important stages of life (Going to college, looking for jobs, getting into relationships, and going back home).

By matching each person's label with the material in real time, 10 different video materials plus 3 audio tracks in the data library can be quickly collected and combined into an exclusive film that playing your growing experience.

If we use the traditional manual technique, it will be an impossible project. However, through the intelligent access of Ali big data and AI calculation, it can smoothly load each person's exclusive complete video in seconds.

In this way, "Your Pepsi Home Video" is able to customize video content for everyone in China.

" Your Pepsi Home Video" has reached 28.4 million interactions, which is the highest in the history of Pepsi’s online interaction.

-The website interaction rate is 72%, more than 3 times of the industry benchmark

-Average stay time exceeds the industry benchmark by 1.5 times.

-The sales goes up by 10% compare to last year during Chinese New Year.

-During the CNY, the search rate of PepsiCo both on Weibo and WeChat are 10 times higher than that of competitor Coca-Cola.

In this campaign, PepsiCo has transformed 22 million consumers’ own data into unique stories. And this attempt strongly empowers the brand value, and leading to a new marketing model of communication with consumers in the future.


PepsiCo was the first brand to talk to consumers with one-on-one video content interaction based Alibaba database. And this can form a new way of deep communication using big data to tell brand stories.

" Your Pepsi Home Video" has reached 28.4 million, which is the No.1 visitor number in the history of Pepsi’s online interaction.

-The website interaction rate is 72%, more than 3 times of the industry benchmark

-Average stay time exceeds the industry benchmark by 1.5 times.

-The sales goes up by 10% compare to last year during Chinese New Year.

-During the CNY, the search rate of PepsiCo both on Weibo and WeChat are 10 times higher than that of competitor Coca-Cola.

-PepsiCo CNY campaign generated 170 million topic viewership, which is doubled compare to last couple years.

The brand has accurately reach and create one-on-one emotional resonance with 22 million consumers.

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