Cannes Lions

Zero Regrets

AMV BBDO, London / GUINESS UDV / 2023

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St Patrick’s Day is meant to be Ireland’s day of national pride. Most often it is a day of great shame. In fact 69% of Irish adults believe that excessive drinking during St. Patrick’s Day celebrations contribute negatively to stereotypes about Irish people.

As the brand most associated with St Patrick’s day, Guinness wanted to launch their most ambitious responsible drinking campaign ever. On the biggest weekend for Guinness, Guinness wanted to ask people to do the outrageous - stop drinking Guinness. Go non-alcoholic. And instead drink a Guinness 0.0.

The objectives were not sales and profit, but to encourage people to make a great switcher0.0 by choosing 0.0 and moderation, drive behaviour change and help restore a bit of pride. And make it a St Patrick’s day to remember.

Although an Ireland focused campaign, our Singing Pint film debuted across the UK, driving moderation beyond just Ireland.


The choice of music was fundamental in getting our moderation message across in a fun and joyous way. We wanted people to feel inspired and encouraged to drink Guinness 0.0, so we needed an earworm that would get people excited. Conceptually we wanted to show 0.0 as the hero. The ultimate addition to add to your St Patrick’s celebrations to help you savour the day rather than ruin it with binge drinking. Bonnie Tyler’s ‘Holding out for a hero’ was the perfect fit.


It has truly been a St Pats to remember. What started out as the biggest Guinness0.0 giveaway turned into the biggest Guinness0.0 sale weekend too.

In all 110,000 pints of Guinness 0.0 were consumed on St. Patrick’s weekend across the country.

2,5 million impressions for the campaign, more than half of the population of Ireland.

People felt more proud to order a non-alcoholic drink on St. Patrick’s Day by +8%

In supermarkets, there was a 50% increase in Guinness 0.0 sales.

412% increase in Guinness 0.0 volumes in the Aviva during the weekend

150 more pubs decided to carry Guinness 0.0 permanently than before.

Guinness 0.0 became the most talked about non-alcoholic beer during the campaign

A record increase in Social Media Mentions by +74%

Orders of 0.0 Kegs Increased by 160%

#Guinness00 was No. 3 Hashtag after #StPatricksDay & #Ireland

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