
ZeroZeroZero Store

M&C SAATCHI, Milan / SKY / 2020


1 Shortlisted Eurobest
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It was time to launch the new Sky Original ZeroZeroZero. A never-seen-before journey into drug traffic. This is a trade that is never silent, never on pause but always on track. Hidden in dark spots but moving, forward and toward a new way to deliver drugs. Mostly, cocaine.

Not many people know the reality behind its secrets.

In order to launch ZeroZeroZero, the Tv show by Sky Original that unveil the secrets behind the drug trade, we needed to find a disruptive idea.


ZeroZeroZero unveils how, despite all the investigation, the cocaine trade never stops and keeps traveling all around the globe. Drug dealers always find new ways to deliver cocaine, hiding it in any kind of goods. Even those we use every day.

That’s why we opened ZeroZeroZero Store: the first store of goods used to deliver cocaine.

ZeroZeroZero Store was a tangible proof of what’s going on everyday around the world, making an invisible business visible for the first time.


For ZeroZeroZero we needed to engage a target between 20 and 65 passionate about Tv shows, documentaries, and love to learn about the way of things. How our world spins and how - even when hidden - it shapes our culture.

Sky needed to promote a series in a field already explored by other shows.

The challenge was hard, but the final goal was higher: mark its name as a broadcaster where great series and high quality live.


For two days, we opened a temporary store in the center of Milan, Italy.

People who walked in were able to see and touch the goods, just like in any normal store.

But when they wanted to buy the items, they had the reveal: all the goods were means to deliver different weigh of cocaine.

The experience continued in an exhibition that showed people how those goods are used every day by drug dealers to hide cocaine and deliver it anywhere.

ZeroZeroZero Store was also a fake e-commerce and was launched through a provocative social media campaign.

All, to raise awareness and promote ZeroZeroZero.


The aim of the campaign wasn’t only about how many people entered and visited the store, but more about the impressions, the knowledge, the trade secrets, and the truth behind it.

Overall the campaign gains:

44,818,550 Media impressions

15.600 social media impressions

9.002 online visits in 24h

7.519 store visits in 48h

In just two days, a single store has brought awareness to the drug trade problem inviting people to discover more by watching ZeroZeroZero Tv Show.

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