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Diferenças is a child development center for children with Down-Syndrome.The centre was created in 1990 and 20 years on is considered one of Europe’s finest centres in its area of intervention, with its work recognized for the inventiveness and creativity with which it searches for solutions to the problems faced by those with Down-Syndrome.Diferenças currently supports over 6000 children, both Portuguese and from around the world. And this support obviously costs money.

Therefore, as is the case with many other NGOs dedicated to this type of work, Diferenças is experiencing significant financial difficulties, subsisting only thanks to sporadic donations from companies and other organizations.It was in the hope of lessening this problem that Diferenças contacted us. The challenge put to us was to create a way of providing the Child Development Centre with a more sustainable source of financing, making Diferenças less dependent on donations.Or rather, find ways in which a non-profit organization might make money.


The D Efeito Collection was officially launched at Experimenta Design, with its concomitant exposition at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkien inaugurated in the presence of the President of Portugal.Its impact was remarkable.Negotiations are underway with companies such as Ikea, Vista Alegre, Area, Fnac and H&M, for the purchase and commercialization of Efeito D collections.Acceptance levels for Efeito D amongst civil society and businesses went beyond the targets initially established. Numerous orders were placed. In financial terms, projections point to sales of €300,000 in the first year of activity.For Diferenças, these are amounts that make a difference.The initiative’s success has led to designers such as Philippe Stark, Uwe Fischer, Studio Makkink & Bey or Richard Hutten showing their interest in creating their own Genetically Modified Objects.Despite having come a long way, there’s always a need for more creators and for additional sales to support this cause.


The solution found was the creation of a designer brand, Efeito D, with all revenues from the commercialization of its articles proceeding towards Diferenças. All of the brand’s objects have at their core what is effectively the cause of Trissomy 21: a change in their genetic code. Portuguese and international designers were invited to create Genetically Modified Objects, introducing an anomaly in each object’s conception. These anomalies add value and originality to the objects, rendering them unique and desirable and at the same time promotional of Diferenças and the cause to which it is dedicated.