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To support John Adams, the mini-series based on the Pulitzer-Prize winning book by David McCullough, HBO sought to create a contextually relevant promotional campaign that celebrated the contributions of an American hero and Founding Father. As the number one premium cable network with 32 million U.S. subscribers, HBO looked to leverage their brand recognition and the star power associated with the mini-series to forge a promotional partnership with a premium brand that would (1) drive viewer-ship; (2) augment and enhance their media campaign (print, online, OOH ad spend) and (3) generate buzz and awareness for the mini-series.


Highest rated HBO Original Film in five years.Bartered promotional assets to generate over 3.5 BILLION impressions:- 331MM retail impressions at 12,786 USPS locations (6’ standees and window clings).- 52.4MM online impressions at (banner ads and branded takeover of the Home Page the week before the Premiere).- National Stamp Cancellation included on 3.3 Billion pieces of first class mail (included Adams quote and promotional URL).- Promotional message on 225MM customer receipts.Generated over 8MM media impressions from national press coverage (including New York Times feature by Stuart Elliott).


Adams and his wife Abigail exchanged over 1,100 letters, which provided a remarkable first-person account of their relationship and the birth of our nation and became the source material for the McCullough biography.

Today, it's easy to forget the value of a handwritten letter, but the written word holds a singular place in America’s story. HBO approached the U.S. Postal Service – who delivered the Adams’ letters – to highlight the enduring nature of the written word. The ‘Power of the Letter’ campaign celebrated the importance of Adams’ letters and encouraged more Americans to send hand written notes.


As an iconic American institution, USPS was a natural partner and provided the contextual connection HBO sought. Together, HBO and USPS leveraged an authentic, organic fit that brought more benefit than either partner could alone. The unexpected pairing grabbed consumers’ attention and reinforced both brands, while drawing consumers into transactions with HBO (viewing) and the USPS (letter-writing) through a targeted call to action for the ‘Power of the Letter’ campaign:- Promotional website ( - Free, custom greeting cards inspired by the letters of John Adams- Consumer sweepstakes featuring a family vacation to Colonial Williamsburg