Brand Experience and Activation > Use of Media


LEO BURNETT FRANKFURT, Frankfurt / undefined / 2006


Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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The client briefed us to develop a promotional idea that helps to sell the frying pans by communicating the key message: "The best place for good meat is a Fissler pan."


Although Fissler pans are of superior quality, a pan itself is a rather low-interest product of everyday use. So, from the housewife to the hobby-chef, everybody who cooks has to think about a new pan sooner or later - and everybody has to buy some food to put into the pan. And where do you get good food, e.g. a good slice of tasty meat? At your local butcher.

So we came up with the butcher wrapping paper with the picture of a pan on the inside.


The Fissler butcher wrapping papers were first used by butchers around Frankfurt.

Customers were really surprised and the client got positive feedback about the idea.

In many cases, the wrapping paper became a topic for the conversation between butchers and their customers, strong word-of-mouth-propaganda emerged in the first run.

After this very successful first run, a larger number of wrapping papers will possibly be produced in 2006 and then hit supermarkets and butchers throughout Germany.


With the wrapping paper, every steak that was bought at the butcher, was in the right place right from the beginning: in a Fissler frying pan. And, like a trojan horse, the wrapping paper also allowed our message to travel to a place where the customers would least expect it : their own kitchen. Also the butchers played an important role in the idea, because they are commonly regarded as quality experts.