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Due to their hectic city lives and the increasing addiction to intelligent electronic devices, people have been becoming more distant from each other. Instead of chatting, sharing their troubles and talking, they're sitting silently together watching TV or immersed in their phones and no longer sparing the time to talk to each other. Therefore the campaign idea was to make Turkish people aware of the dramatic decline in time they spend in conversations with each other and suggest it was #time to talk, around a cup of tea. The social instinct to talk is invaluable not just in connecting friends, but also in reducing the barriers between strangers. In an increasingly divided society that also has real importance. To dramatize this manifesto-like message, our first execution would pick prime-time on TV to reach the widest number of people in a disruptive way.


On prime time of January 7th, we arranged a simultaneous “TV roadblock” of 5 minutes

across the 17 largest national channels. A manifesto-like 45" commercial explained what people were missing by losing their habit of talking to each other. As the #timetotalk hashtag was supered on screen, Lipton then gifted Turkey complete silence that went on and on and on... This was a 5 minute roadblock, designed not only to show the brand's sincerity, but also to directly stimulate conversation. This disruption enabled the public register that this was a real issue for us all and created an unavoidable conversation-starter as, for 5 minutes, 30 million people viewed a boiling teapot and the #timetotalk hashtag.

From You Tube, to print and the planned silence of influencers in social media, other media all supported this 'conversation-starting manifesto', but the 'silent prime time' was our conversational fire-starter.


The whole country awakened to their disconnected lives.

The #timetotalk hashtag become a major social media discussion topic and also featured in news, editorials, and talk shows for days afterwards.

Politicians, journalists and bloggers joined in the conversations about recovering our human values. Naturally enough, these influential voices talked about how regular behavior had been changing and the value of more conversation for society as a whole. The bold but sincere way Lipton had approached a potentially controversial topic was widely appreciated. Sentiment analysis around the campaign was only 2% negative, showing that while Lipton was encouraging more tea to be drunk, the brand's 'higher purpose' was also registered. Lipton's brand image scores rose 5 points to its highest ever level and, for the first time, overtook the brand that has market no. 1 market share.

The #timetotalk phrase has entered the language and 4 months later, it’s still alive.


The key and the most important factor to success was to make people aware that they don’t talk to each other anymore and to stimulate them directly via media to reflect on this topic. We disrupted primetime TV for 5 minutes - with a commercial ending in silence. We also silenced influencers. These actions were designed to create “aha” moments to directly reach and impact our audience with the kind of stimulus that would make them behave differently and talk around a cup of tea.


Teapotbag consumers are primarily B, C1, C2 housewives in the larger cities. Panel data shows that they view TV for over 6 hours per day on average, making this the most natural lead medium to reach them, and the rest of their family gathered at prime time around their TVs each evening. The media strategy was for the brand not simply to say ?time to talk in its ads, but to act accordingly. We would create 'disruptive occasions of silence' in the media for the public to really register how they had started to behave and have the time to talk. In social media influencers were silenced but a "TV event" was needed to make this issue a talking point for the whole nation.


The original brief was to explain the long-lasting smooth taste of this teapotbag. In Turkey where tea is the biggest accompaniment to conversation, long-lasting smooth taste means ‘long lasting conversations’. However, we realized that because of their hectic lives and multiscreen addictions, people just don’t have long conversations as much as they did before. This struck us as a sad reality showing how disconnected and divided from each other people were becoming. It seemed to us that starting more conversations would help re-connect people and this would be good for society, and good for a brand making tea. In fact, because of tea's role as a social glue and natural partner to conversation, if a tea brand couldn't talk about this, who could? So Lipton decided it could remind people how much better and more human life is with chatter and long conversations.

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