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Why is this work relevant for PR?

The campaign had only a small budget at hand to communicate a brand attitude that is relevant to all our consumers. That’s why it had to rely on a strong idea and social relevance to grab the attention of people outside our paid reach. It had to prove credibly it’s mission to empower women and not only talk about it.



L’Oréal Paris stands for female empowerment. The company’s gender diversity is frequently recognized and rewarded with international awards. Right now L'Oréal Paris has even more women than men in their managing board and executive positions.


L’Oréal Paris wanted to make a tensionable impact on gender equality, being aware of the responsibility a brand has that stands for female empowerment. Perceived as the most important issues facing women and girls in Germany are equal pay and equal career opportunities. With men being still perceived as superior leaders and dominating the management and executive boards with 91.4%.

Describe the creative idea

L’Oréal Paris started a data and research project dedicated to find evidence of women being equal to men when it comes to leadership skills. What they uncovered: women are even better. So, instead of advertising its female empowerment commitment, L’Oréal Paris transformed it into a business advice for men that started a cultural relevant discussion and spread across different media. Clear facts and figures in simplified infographics addressed Germany’s decision makers in manager magazines and economic online news. Drawing international attention to Germany’s gender gap and making hiring women for leadership positions more attractive to businesses.

Describe the PR strategy

Instead of just advertising its female empowerment commitment L’Oréal Paris took action and transformed its mission into a business advice for German decision makers in companies. Because they knew that acting out in a bold way and being part of the solution would create more buzz than just talking about gender equality.

Describe the PR execution

The empowerment campaign for female leaders run on International Women’s Day in business magazines and economic online news. Talking to men, the current decision makers of listed companies, it showed the benefits of a more diverse leadership: more profitability, more innovations and higher employee satisfaction.

List the results

The campaign achieved with a small budget over 5 million gross reach, got picked up around the globe by business forums and news and multiplied the paid digital reach of 150,000 by 1003% through social reactions. Our digital ads achieved a 20% higher viewability than average in Germany. Many equality networks and communities shared and supported the message on their channels, causing a spill-over effect of their positive image to L’Oréal. But more importantly, the campaign reached 1.8 million business leaders directly and fuelled discussions on career networks with massive reactions from global HR directors, business consultants, board members and employees. Bringing companies one step closer to hire more women in leadership roles.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and/or cultural insights that inspired your campaign

Women play an insignificant role in Germany’s management positions. Men are still perceived as superior leaders and dominate the executive boards with 91.4%. They obviously don’t care about gender equality – but they do care about facts and figures that drive the success of their business.