Media > Sectors


OMD, Milan / DACIA / 2016


Bronze Cannes Lions
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To work in the same enterprise, every day in a very close contact to each other, causes relationship crisis between fathers and sons thus affecting their business, too. Renault comes to the rescue of family run enterprises with an innovative solution: let fathers and sons cooperate but at a distance. How? Through an APP, developed together with Google For Work, which provides a set of digital tools to share all the phases of their work (files, memo, docs, delivery schedules share, etc.) without sharing the same workplace.

This way Renault Business Booster distances fathers and sons at work but reconciles them in the private life. And the recovered family union boosts their business, too.


We developed the Business Booster APP in collaboration with Google for Work. It deals with an APP providing all the necessary tools to let fathers and sons cooperate at distance.

The launch was supported by an integrated campaign, since July 2015, on TV, print, radio and display. In the meantime, a roadshow throughout 100 Italian cities promoted the new range at the dealers, who arranged events and test drives thus generating leads. Some of the fathers&sons couples from the enterprises who took the test drive, became protagonists of interactive videos in which users can explore the features of different commercial vehicles by switching from father’s to son’s point of view.

A digital platform have been developed to host all the contents.

On December 2015, thanks to the collaboration with Publitalia, the campaign idea also became a TV show “Sos Family Business”: 4 episodes aired on Mediaset channels in prime time.


79.000 app downloads.

Digital media impressions: +29.000.000 (+ 45% impression delivery).

Direct activation: +3.000.000 sent.

1.500.000 interactive video views .

TV show “SOS Family Business”:

• 2.215.700 TV reach on individuals

• +41% Twitter followers’ daily grow during TV show onair

• 4 times trending topic during TV show onair

11.391 leads.

+ 40% commercial vehicles sold vs. 2014

+ 40% converted vehicles sold vs 2014

Renault: 1st importer of commercial vehicles in Italy in 2015.


Renault Business Booster is a communication platform developed to support the launch of the new commercial vehicles range. In order to amplify the message, the campaign involved several media as TV, print, radio, internet and social media. The project took advantage of important partnerships: one with Google for Work to develop a dedicated app and another one with Publitalia Branded Entertainment to produce the TV show “SoS Family Business”. The whole campaign told the story of products perfectly designed for craftsmen, small entrepreneurs, owners of family-run businesses, to whom Renault can give a real support to boost their business.


The campaign addresses craftsmen, small entrepreneurs, owners of family-run businesses.

Renault commercial vehicles have always been close to small businesses providing them with the best tools to work with. This principle lead our media strategy too.

In order to position the new range as the “success booster” for any kind of business and to make it relevant to the target we selected channels and contents with high affinity, adopting a seamless approach where media channel and content were merged together. First, we planned a direct affiliation campaign in order to push our APP download. Second, we partnered with Mediaset/Mediamond to produce a TV show to bring real stories of family small businesses to life. The show was supported by digital videos on primary sport sites, strongly followed by the target, portraying father&sons stories on a major magazine, Panorama, and finally keeping it all alive through Renault and Mediamond social pages.


85% of Italian enterprises are family run businesses. These kind of enterprises are on a risk because of the personal disagreements between fathers and sons about their work.

With its commercial vehicles, Renault has always been close to business world and family enterprises. Through the launch campaign of its new commercial vehicles, completely renewed in terms of design and performance, Renault wants to provide a concrete and innovative support, in terms of solutions, to improve internal management and to let fathers and sons make it up and boost their business. This way, Renault can let its “Your success booster” positioning become relevant to the target.

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