Media > Culture & Context


CYW, Madrid / HBO MAX / 2023

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Why is this work relevant for Media?

Valencia's CF logo is a Bat and its stadium features on its facade the biggest bat-shaped structure in the world. A famous 90 square meters bat with a photovoltaic cell system that recharges during the day and lights up at night. A unique opportunity that only Batman could take advantage of.

We created a gigantic OOH with Batman, but we removed, for the first time ever, the famous bat symbol from his chest so the stadium physical bat would complete it. Then we printed our canvas, a 4000m2 billboard, the biggest one in Spain, covering the whole stadium front.



The Batman was going to be released on HBO Max.

Brief and Objective:

What could to attract the media's attention after the movie was already released in cinemas and previously promoted all over the country.

Media Insight:

In Spain there is a bat that is even more famous than Batman's: Valencia's football club logo. So we used a space that no one had ever used before.

The football club stadium has a physical bat logo that is over 90m2 on its facade, the biggest bat-shaped structure in the world. A sign with a photovoltaic system that recharges during the day and lights up at night.

Describe the creative idea / insights

All eyes were over Valencia's football club as the team was playing the final of the King's Cup; taking advantage of that momentum, we created our campaign around the Club, whose symbol is an even better-known bat than Batman's:

Valencia's Football Club logo is a Bat and its stadium -one of the main fields in the country- features on its facade the biggest bat-shaped structure in the world. A 90 square meters bat with a photovoltaic cell system that recharges during the day and lights up at night. A unique opportunity that only Batman could take advantage of.

We created a gigantic OOH featuring Batman; removing -for the first time ever- the famous bat symbol from his chest so the stadium's physical bat structure would complete it. Then we printed our canvas, a 4000m2 billboard (the biggest one in Spain) covering the entire stadium frontal facade.

Describe the strategy

TARGET: Young/adult male audience.

Take advantage of the movie strong symbols and icons.

Create a conversation around a film previously released in cinemas.

Core Fans (DC Fans, thriller lovers, action), broad audience.


By using a stunty OOH advertising approach in a small city, we aimed to create a disruptive and memorable campaign that would generate buzz and conversation around the movie premiere on HBO. This approach avoided the dilution of traditional media circuits in main cities and instead focused on creating a standout and shareable campaign that resonated with the target audience, encouraging engagement, and ultimately driving higher viewership for the movie on HBO

Describe the execution

We created a one-of-a-kind OOH featuring Batman, but removing -for the first time ever- the famous bat symbol from his chest, so the stadium's physical bat structure would complete it. Then we printed our canvas, a 4000m2 billboard, the biggest one in Spain, covering the entire stadium's frontal facade for the whole country to see it.

The biggest canvas in the country was in place for 3 weeks. Just at the same time that Valencia CF was preparing to play the King's Cup Final and had all of the media the attention.

List the results

Thanks to the media coverage and on-site visitors that shared it on social media the billboard had amazing results:

+171 million organic hits.

+34k social media mentions.

+12,5 OTS

+Spain's Most-talked-about HBO campaign on social media even ahead of Game of Thrones.

The Batman became the most-talked-about HBO campaign on social media even ahead of Game of Thrones since its arrival in Spain.

Please tell us about the social behaviour and cultural insight that inspired the work

Valencia Football Club is one of the major and best-known clubs in Spain and it happens to share a lot with our superhero. Not only a story of sacrifice against stronger enemies in the field but also the bat-shaped shield in their uniforms.

That's why we decided to take advantage of this coincidence and make it the core of our campaign during one of the most awaited moments of the year for our audience: The final of the King's Cup in Spain.

We created a one-of-a-kind OOH featuring Batman, but removing -for the first time ever- the famous bat symbol from his chest, so the stadium's physical bat structure, the biggest bat in the world, would complete it. Then we printed our canvas, a 4000m2 billboard, the biggest one in Spain, covering the entire stadium's frontal facade for the whole country to see it.

Is there any cultural context that would help the jury understand how this work was perceived by people in the country where it ran?

All eyes were over Valencia's football club as the team was playing the final of the King's Cup; taking advantage of that momentum, we created our campaign around the Club, whose symbol is an even better-known bat than Batman's:

Valencia's Football Club logo is a Bat and its stadium -one of the main fields in the country- features on its facade the biggest bat-shaped structure in the world. A 90 square meters bat with a photovoltaic cell system that recharges during the day and lights up at night. A unique opportunity that only Batman could take advantage of.

We created a gigantic OOH featuring Batman; removing -for the first time ever- the famous bat symbol from his chest so the stadium's physical bat structure would complete it. Then we printed our canvas, a 4000m2 billboard (the biggest one in Spain) covering the entire stadium's frontal facade.

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