Brand Experience and Activation > Brand Experience & Activation: Sectors


SHA INC., Tokyo / ADOBE KK / 2024

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Why is this work relevant for Brand Experience & Activation?

Adobe has been striving with professional creator sphere in Japan to develop creative culture for

over the course of 30yrs. Therefore, at the age of AI, Adobe Japan wants to be close to the

concerns of Creative Professionals, Adobe's core supporters, and inspire their creativity and


The project is not an advertisement for a product, but a message that encourages creators to

take up the challenge of making things in a positive way by featuring works created using Adobe


Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

Conduct Thought Leadership campaign by communicating a brand statement to the Creative professional community that praises the creators/works that continue to challenge their craft capabilixties ultimately at the age of AI.

Create social interactions with Creative professional-focused media as the starting point, and tell the creators' stories through owned content.

By doing this, will maintain and improve Creative professional users' retention in product use and enhance Adobe's brand image in the creator community.


This is a part of the thought leadership project regarding AI in the creative industries initiated by Adobe Japan. The goal is not to emphasize the attractiveness or ease of use of AI, but rather to allay fears about AI and inspire creatives to believe in themselves and explore new possibilities.

Adobe Japan invited a professional creators team, art directors, graphic designers and retouchers who are focused on their creative journey.

They used ordinary stock photos to create eight "PS in the Landscapes," fictional landscapes, that are stunningly realistic and precise.

Create social interactions with Creative professional-focused media as the starting point, and tell the creators' stories through owned content.

By doing this, will maintain and improve Creative professional users' retention in product use and enhance Adobe's brand image in the creator community.

Describe the creative idea

The landscapes were created using Photoshop based on a single stock photo.

These are works that require time and imagination that cannot be constructed at the touch of a

button, even in this AI age, and are paid for with imagination, persistence, and retouching

techniques. Each landscape incorporates the letters P and S. These are intentionally designed

landscapes, but they are designed to be very natural and to work on both a micro and macro


The creators addressed the creators with their actual time-consuming works of art to show that

we still have room left in our minds to imagine, create works of art, and create excitement.

Describe the strategy

A certain number of professional creators around the world are concerned about losing their

positions to synthetic AI. This is especially true in Japan. While Firefly is gaining momentum,

Japanese Creative Professionals are apprehensive about the emergence of AI, which may be

contributing to the relative slow adoption of AI features.

Conduct Thought Leadership campaign by communicating a brand statement to the Creative

professional community that praises the creators/works that continue to challenge their craft

capabilixties ultimately at the age of AI.

Create social interactions with Creative professional-focused media as the starting point, and tell

the creators' stories through owned content.

By doing this, will maintain and improve Creative professional users' retention in product use

and enhance Adobe's brand image in the creator community.

Describe the execution

These works were presented at Adobe MAX Japan 2023 in the session "Reflections on

Technology and Thinking in an Age of Questioning the Significance and Value of Creators (クリ

エイターの存在意義と価値が問われる時代における技術と思考についての省察)," and received

the second highest rating from the audience.

The Creator's story is told through owned content while generating social interactions starting

with media focused on Creative professionals.

In addition, this work was sequentially published in nine design-related magazines and featured

in a variety of media that touch on Creative professionals.

List the results

It was presented at the Adobe MAX Japan 2023 talk session, "Reflections on Technology and

Thinking in an Age of Questioning the Significance and Value of Creators (クリエイターの存在

意義と価値が問われる時代における技術と思考についての省察)," and received the second

highest rating from the audience.

The launch led to the posting of advertisements in nine design-related magazines and on-going

media. Interviews with the creators were given by two magazines, and the opportunity was

realized for them to express their thoughts on the creative possibilities in this era, not only in

pictures, but also in words as life-size creators.