Creative B2B > Creative B2B


FCB NEW YORK, New York / SPOTIFY / 2024


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Why is this work relevant for Creative B2B?

If you’re one of the 236 million people who pay for Spotify, you might not realize it has ads — let alone video ads. But without its 13% ad revenue, Spotify wouldn’t exist. Spotify Advertising’s B2B role is critical: Convince media planners to buy ads.

Often, that comes down to a person, sitting with a mind-numbing spreadsheet. Even more mind-numbing when it’s a low-priority channel like audio.

But if there’s anything Spotify is NOT, it’s mind-numbing. So to promote our most overlooked ad unit, video, we responded to media agency RFPs with something unforgettable — Spreadbeats, the first-ever RFP spreadsheet

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Media planning happens year-round around the world, but spring is by far the most influential time in the industry. Between Upfronts, NewFronts, and, of course, Cannes, the marketing industry is buzzing about new and exciting media opportunities, with everyone looking for ways to add an X factor to their quarterly media plans and gathering inspiration for their annual plans in the fall.

To gain media planners’ attention and budgets, brands go big. Events. Conferences. The full- court press is on. Of course, Spotify Advertising plays the game too. But the noise of the latest “this” and promises of “that” can be overwhelming for a media planner.

Even for Spotify, it can be hard to be heard. Cool new audio features like Daylist and Remix may get buzz, but we wanted to make sure our video and multiformat ads got their fair share of the attention. So this year, Spotify decided to do something different.

We partnered with rising musician John Summit — just as he’s releasing “Shiver” and riding the buzz of his recent Coachella set — to reimagine a forgotten genre... the music video. Together, we used our music and audio heritage to catapult into a new era where Spotify Advertising could be known for video ads too.


Imagine you’re a media planner. Your job depends on your ability to show ROI. So it’s no wonder that when it comes to RFPing, you prioritize efficient go-tos like Meta and Google, old reliables like YouTube, and shiny objects like TikTok. Spotify just seems like another digital audio platform, and an expensive one at that. Not exactly a must-buy.

But the thing is, Spotify is so much more than an audio platform. It has video and multiformat ads… it’s interactive and engaging and its ROI goes way beyond numbers on a spreadsheet.

To break through, we had to find a way to hack the RFP process and change the conversation… showing media planners and the entire marketing industry why Spotify Advertising goes beyond just plain digital audio.


Improve ROI perception

Increase familiarity beyond audio

Drive relevance, consideration, and brand love

Describe the creative idea

In 2023, Spotify launched new video ad units. But there’s a problem: Media planners and advertisers still consider us as just an audio platform. And audio only commands 2% of their ad spend. As a result, when reaching out for proposals, they often request media plans tailored exclusively for audio ads. So, to win over media planners, we brought Spotify’s video ad capabilities and its ROI superiority to the place where they spend the most time considering ad buys: their media plan spreadsheets. Spreadbeats. A never-been-done-before, eye- and ear-opening way to prove the power of combining video and audio in a medium perfectly tailored to its audience. We partnered with Coachella-headlining artist John Summit and coded a four-minute music video into the actual spreadsheets Spotify’s salesforce sends to its clients, turning rows and columns into a canvas that sprang to life when the file was opened.

Describe the strategy

At CES, Horizon Media’s founder, Bill Koenigsberg, said, “I don’t know what Spotify Advertising is supposed to do for me.” He summed up what 66% of media planners felt: Spotify ads had no unique benefit.

So without fully knowing what Spotify Advertising offers, many media planners simply assumed that we were an audio-only platform. And they only spent 2% of their budgets on audio ads.

But Spotify Advertising offers so much more at every step of the marketing funnel than audio ads - our video ads actually yield better ROI than other advertising platforms’ video ads.

So we set out to make it crystal clear that not only does Spotify offer video ads; those video ads will work harder for your media plan.

The clearest way to prove our video bona fides?

Show up exactly when media planners were considering buying video ads: the RFP process.

Describe the execution

We worked with Spotify’s ad sales teams to create custom RFPs for every brand who’d requested one, so that when they received their actual detailed RFP responses, they’d also receive a hidden music video surprise.

With no paid media, Spotify sales reps individually emailed media planners their RFP responses, including a coy message of what they were about to see. Then, once they opened it, the RFP sprang to life.

Spotify salespeople could use a Spreadbeats generator. With the generator, they could customize music videos for each recipient by inputting their name, the brand they represent, and other relevant details.

They could seamlessly integrate their real spreadsheets into the music video by uploading them. After clicking “generate,” they would receive a straightforward Excel file containing their informative spreadsheet along with the customized music video.

Spreadbeats was sent to 5,800 Media Planners, in 14 countries.

List the B2B results

Spreadbeats’ early results are just as mind-blowing as this feat of creativity itself.

We can safely say that it has quickly become the most impactful email Spotify Advertising’s sales team has ever sent; it yielded an 82% reply rate, +720% higher than that of the average email marketing campaign, immediately generating new leads with thousands of media planners in 14 countries.

And it won them over by entertaining them during the most boring part of the media planning process. They overwhelmingly watched the full music video inside their spreadsheets, yielding a video completion rate of 89%, which is higher than those of the most popular YouTube videos.

We didn’t just win media planners’ hearts and minds. We won their ad dollars. Since Spreadbeats launched, we’ve seen ad revenue increase +230%, a testament to the power of our unprecedented approach.