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Why is this work relevant for Creative Data?

Schitaetsya — project that raises awareness of domestic violence in Kazakhstan and tracks data on these kinds of cases for the public, journalists and activists.


The problem of domestic violence is still a burning question for Kazakhstan.It is hard to see the scale of the problem behind statistical data, because ordinary people find data complicated, boring, unclear.

Our task was to reveal true scales of the problem.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work e.g. local legislation, cultural norms, a national holiday or religious festival that may have a particular meaning.

Kazakhstan is a country with traditions and a patriarchal society, as a result representatives of the government, court, police in vast majority are man.

In 2017, the article “Intentional infliction of minor bodily harm” ceased to be criminal and moved to the status of an administrative one. Accordingly, the punishment was mitigated.

Describe the Creative idea / data solution

To help people understand the data we created a visual style that clarifies the scale of the problem, showing changes and dynamics for every number.

Complex statistical data turned into visual images that exposes all the horror hidden behind distant numbers. Visuals style can change depending on numbers and values.

Describe the data driven strategy

Initial data was gathered by the group of journalists with a goal to show scales of domestic violence problem in Kazakhstan.

The data was shocking but ordinary users would neglect it due to being dry and looking like any other statistical data.

To raise the awareness of growing problem we decided to demonstrate what stands behind all those numbers.

Describe the creative use of data, or how the data enhanced the creative output

First time images were presented in social media of the project and later appeared on the social media of KazFem. On KazFem page publications finally reached the audience, journalists and influencers.

Domestic Violence Statistics Data eventually made it to offline as rally banners and were seen on female marches in support for gender equality and women rights.

List the data driven results

New visual approach for statistical data of the project became the content for posts, graphic content for mass media, banners for the rallies.

With 5.436 followers and 0 media support we reached 86 049 people. Content got 41 712 impressions, 9 133 shares, raised awareness of the project and lead to 20% follower growth in just a two weeks.