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WOLF BCPP, Santiago / NETFLIX / 2024

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Demo Film
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Why is this work relevant for Media?

Connecting with people on the street through traditional advertising gets harder each year, especially with our target (16-25), with their eyes fixed on their phones and a generalized rejection of ads. That's why we crafted a special billboard, and through an interactive experience, invite them to use their phones to capture Kevin, a mythical Chilean fugitive who also escaped from our ads. With the incentive of giving them an exclusive preview of a series that came with significant local hype, we managed to get them not only to voluntarily approach our advertising, but also become ambassadors of it.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In 2014, Chile experienced a shocking heist. 6 billion Chilean pesos vanished from the capital's airport in just 3 minutes, without a single shot fired or being detected. News outlets went wild, and the entire country began to speculate about who was behind the 'Heist of the Century.'

Nearly 4 years after the heist, the mastermind of the group, Kevin, known as 'Baby Bandito' in Europe, was successfully captured. The fact that he was enjoying his post-heist life in Italy, Spain, and France resonated nationally, becoming one of the most prominent details of the case. And on top of all of this, Kevin managed to escape prison not only once, but twice, ultimately turning him into Chile's most famous fugitive.


The launch of Baby Bandito, the new Netflix series inspired by Chile’s 'Heist of the Century,' was approaching, but the famous event had been overshadowed by the thousands of robberies that followed. We needed to create a campaign that would do justice to its elusive protagonist and the intrigue it sparked. Therefore, to revive the suspense that emerged in 2014, we called on all Chileans to achieve what justice couldn't: Capture Kevin.

Describe the creative idea/insights

The main character of the series, Kevin, is famous for being one of the most wanted fugitives in Chilean history, as he was on the run for almost 4 years, and managed to escape prison on 2 occasions. A very elusive guy, so much so, that he even ended up escaping from our ads.

More than just an announcement to promote the launch of the series, we created an interactive billboard that invited all passersby to capture the protagonist. With the use of cutting-edge technology, we turned Kevin into a responsive character who would escape whenever someone got close enough to make eye contact with him. Thus, we crafted a continuous search and capture experience for those who encountered our Baby Bandito.

Describe the strategy

In Chile, 58% of students use public transportation to get around the city. Given that they are the most relevant target audience for the series (M-F-16 to 25), we had no doubt when it came to focusing the campaign on these spaces to connect with them and disrupt their daily routines.

To reignite the curiosity of our audience about the 'Heist of the Century' of 2014, we created an strategically placed interactive billboard on the streets.

Close to the billboard, they could see a dark alley, seemingly empty... or was it? With the message: 'Take a few steps back and see if you can find Chile's most famous fugitive,' we activated the curiosity of passersby, who started looking for ways to catch him and realized why capturing the infamous Kevin wasn't so easy.

Describe the execution

With a team of programmers and an artificial intelligence expert, we integrated a camera, a motion sensor, and a microcomputer into the billboard, processing everything in real-time. This way, Kevin escaped from the billboards only when people got close enough to make eye contact with him.

From a distance, everything seemed normal, but as people approached, they could notice that this billboard was different from others. When no one was around, Kevin would come out of hiding and stay watchful, but as they got close enough to make eye contact with him, he would escape.

Thus, people started a game of search and capture that migrated to social media with the goal of commenting and finding out who had managed to capture him, whether in a photo or video. This was implemented in the three busiest bus stops in the city, accompanied by technology that Chileans had never seen before.

List the results

Baby Bandito’s Fugitive Billboard sparked the curiosity of Chileans, inviting them to live a real-time interactive and responsive experience.

+7M contacts during our time on display between the 3 locations during the time of the campaign.

+4,600 daily interactions with +74,400 in total.

+3M accounts reached through social media impact.





We managed to reignite interest in the 2014 robbery and its protagonist, once again making the 'Heist of the Century' the central topic of the moment.

How is this work relevant to this channel?

Every day, brands position themselves in the most frequented places in the city to reach their targets, with bus stop billboards being the most commonly used. However, we forget that waiting for the bus is a somewhat boring and repetitive moment. That's why we created these interactive billboards, aiming to stand out among the usual advertisements and turn the waiting time into an entertaining and different experience. By doing this, we tapped into the curiosity of Chileans, making them active participants in the search for Kevin while announcing the launch of Baby Bandito.

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