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The objective in Europe was clear and simple, to communicate to the mass audience that Apple had once again redefined the personal computer with the creation of the new iMac. Communication efforts were focused on the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Spain. Timing of the campaign was planned from mid February to May 2002. Launch dates were staggered by market, based on in store product availability dates.


The objective in Europe was clear and simple, to communicate to the mass audience that Apple had once again redefined the personal computer with the creation of the new iMac. Communication efforts were focused on the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Spain. Timing of the campaign was planned from mid February to May 2002. Launch dates were staggered by market, based on in store product availability dates. The creative units available for the new iMac launch included: TV - 30 second spotPrint - 12 page insert Print - 4 colour spread and 4 colour page unitsOutdoor multiple formats, tailored to meet site specifications OutdoorOutdoor and print were the two media selected by all media teams. Outdoor was considered the most impactful media to showcase the new iMac’s stunning design and eye catching creative. Approximately 20,000 total sites were used across Europe. In many cases these were large format sites consisting of hand selected megaposters and wall/scaffolding sites for which creative was “tailor made" to enhance impact. Criteria for outdoor site selection: high quality, illuminated high traffic zones and/or areas where audiences were an “ideal" fit for Apple (i.e. advertising communities, youth audience and fashion districts, etc.)PrintPrint was selected in order to provide more in depth communication on the new iMac. Only prime positions and unique formats were planned by the media teams to elevate Apple above the clutter. Specific examples: Magazines: 12 page inserts Ebound in Special units Ebelly bands, overcovers First and second spreads or prior to table of contentsBack CoversNewspapers: 4 colour centre spreads 4 colour back coversTitles were selected based on high profile, high quality publications. While circulation figures were considered, a key focus was placed on the reader audience. Specifically media teams looked at psychographic profiles that were strong fits to an Apple user or potential Apple user (i.e. the three I’s - imaginative, innovative, individualistic). Print categories selected: Main News- examples - L’Express, Courrier International, Liberation, Stern, Focus, Panorama, La Repubblica, HP/De Tijd, Vanguardia, El PaisE. Lifestyle, Leisure - examples - GQ, Men’s Health, Elle, Marie-Claire, Vanity Fair, weekend newspaper supplements, Fit for Fun" Special Interest - examples - travel (Geo, Gulliver), design (Architectural Digest, Elle Decoration), business (Capital, Campaign, Brand Eins), photography (Photo, Computerfoto), PC titles".Television and Cinema Only prime time, high quality programs targeting audiences that fit the Apple “three I’s" profile were selected by the media teams. The key focus was placed on “appointment viewed" programs such as Ally McBeal, Fraiser, Friends, Sex in the City, etc. as well as hand selected special interest and high viewership programs such as Champions League. In addition media teams looked to coordinate advertising efforts in programs where Apple had product placement to elevate presence.Cinema was also chosen in France for the Paris Film Festival, a strong venue to target an Apple or potential Apple audience. Currently open air/outdoor cinema is being planned for Switzerland, another special venue to showcase Apple.

ResultsThe new iMac campaign, illustrates how a multi-media campaign can be elevated above the mainstream clutter by developing high impact, unique solutions by market While the iMac campaign is still running through May, the feedback on the campaign has been very positive thus far. Apple Europe has noted the following: -the outdoor campaigns have generated significant positive feedback from most resellers and channel partners.

- the feedback on the TV campaign has been extremely positive.- Apple is increasing production of the iMac to meet demand.The majority response received by the media teams has been that iMac is seen as being “everywhere" indicating that the strategy of “do it right or don’t do it at all" has achieved our overall communication goal. While multiple formats were available, media was selected by each local OMD team, based on that media which would provide the greatest impact in their respective market based on given budgets. While our media teams had the flexibility in planning the appropriate media mix for their market, the principles of our media strategy “do it right or don’t do it at all” was applied by all teams to represent a unified communication approach across Europe.As Apple’s media partner, OMD International embraces Apple’s philosophy of“think different” by planning media that is unique and creative, not mainstream or ordinary. The iMac launch was an example of this by media teams developing and pursuing innovative solutions to help elevate Apple above the clutter, which in several cases initiated the development and customisation of creative. In summary, our media teams looked at media in a “think different” way to truly showcase the new iMac, a product that inspires innovation, imagination and “thinking different”.

With the new iMac’s stunning design and features, there was an imperative need to develop a media strategy that showcased this extraordinary new product. The media strategy developed and implemented by all OMD media teams was the concept of : “Do it right or don’t do it all. The key underlying principles to this idea were: To focus on very selected media, as opposed to several media, in order to avoid spreading exposure too thin and potentially getting lost in the clutter.

To go “big" over a condensed period of time, by coordinating all media efforts in bursts for greater impact and presence.

To hand select media by market, with focus on impact and environment using only prime positioned units in print, high quality TV programming, and high profile outdoor opportunities.

To select print titles and TV programs based on audience profiles which best fit the psychographic characteristics of an Apple user or potential Apple user. Specific characteristics identified: imaginative, individualistic, and innovative, otherwise known as the “three I’s" by our media teams.


While multiple formats were available, media was selected by each local OMD team, based on that media which would provide the greatest impact in their respective market based on given budgets. While our media teams had the flexibility in planning the appropriate media mix for their market, the principles of our media strategy “do it right or don’t do it at all” was applied by all teams to represent a unified communication approach across Europe.As Apple’s media partner, OMD International embraces Apple’s philosophy of“think different” by planning media that is unique and creative, not mainstream or ordinary. The iMac launch was an example of this by media teams developing and pursuing innovative solutions to help elevate Apple above the clutter, which in several cases initiated the development and customisation of creative. In summary, our media teams looked at media in a “think different” way to truly showcase the new iMac, a product that inspires innovation, imagination and “thinking different”.


With the new iMac’s stunning design and features, there was an imperative need to develop a media strategy that showcased this extraordinary new product. The media strategy developed and implemented by all OMD media teams was the concept of : “Do it right or don’t do it all. The key underlying principles to this idea were: To focus on very selected media, as opposed to several media, in order to avoid spreading exposure too thin and potentially getting lost in the clutter.

To go “big" over a condensed period of time, by coordinating all media efforts in bursts for greater impact and presence.

To hand select media by market, with focus on impact and environment using only prime positioned units in print, high quality TV programming, and high profile outdoor opportunities.

To select print titles and TV programs based on audience profiles which best fit the psychographic characteristics of an Apple user or potential Apple user. Specific characteristics identified: imaginative, individualistic, and innovative, otherwise known as the “three I’s" by our media teams.


The creative units available for the new iMac launch included: TV - 30 second spotPrint - 12 page insert Print - 4 colour spread and 4 colour page unitsOutdoor multiple formats, tailored to meet site specifications OutdoorOutdoor and print were the two media selected by all media teams. Outdoor was considered the most impactful media to showcase the new iMac’s stunning design and eye catching creative. Approximately 20,000 total sites were used across Europe. In many cases these were large format sites consisting of hand selected megaposters and wall/scaffolding sites for which creative was “tailor made" to enhance impact. Criteria for outdoor site selection: high quality, illuminated high traffic zones and/or areas where audiences were an “ideal" fit for Apple (i.e. advertising communities, youth audience and fashion districts, etc.)PrintPrint was selected in order to provide more in depth communication on the new iMac. Only prime positions and unique formats were planned by the media teams to elevate Apple above the clutter. Specific examples: Magazines: 12 page inserts Ebound in Special units Ebelly bands, overcovers First and second spreads or prior to table of contentsBack CoversNewspapers: 4 colour centre spreads 4 colour back coversTitles were selected based on high profile, high quality publications. While circulation figures were considered, a key focus was placed on the reader audience. Specifically media teams looked at psychographic profiles that were strong fits to an Apple user or potential Apple user (i.e. the three I’s - imaginative, innovative, individualistic). Print categories selected: Main News- examples - L’Express, Courrier International, Liberation, Stern, Focus, Panorama, La Repubblica, HP/De Tijd, Vanguardia, El PaisE. Lifestyle, Leisure - examples - GQ, Men’s Health, Elle, Marie-Claire, Vanity Fair, weekend newspaper supplements, Fit for Fun" Special Interest - examples - travel (Geo, Gulliver), design (Architectural Digest, Elle Decoration), business (Capital, Campaign, Brand Eins), photography (Photo, Computerfoto), PC titles".Television and Cinema Only prime time, high quality programs targeting audiences that fit the Apple “three I’s" profile were selected by the media teams. The key focus was placed on “appointment viewed" programs such as Ally McBeal, Fraiser, Friends, Sex in the City, etc. as well as hand selected special interest and high viewership programs such as Champions League. In addition media teams looked to coordinate advertising efforts in programs where Apple had product placement to elevate presence.Cinema was also chosen in France for the Paris Film Festival, a strong venue to target an Apple or potential Apple audience. Currently open air/outdoor cinema is being planned for Switzerland, another special venue to showcase Apple.

ResultsThe new iMac campaign, illustrates how a multi-media campaign can be elevated above the mainstream clutter by developing high impact, unique solutions by market While the iMac campaign is still running through May, the feedback on the campaign has been very positive thus far. Apple Europe has noted the following: -the outdoor campaigns have generated significant positive feedback from most resellers and channel partners.

- the feedback on the TV campaign has been extremely positive.- Apple is increasing production of the iMac to meet demand.The majority response received by the media teams has been that iMac is seen as being “everywhere" indicating that the strategy of “do it right or don’t do it at all" has achieved our overall communication goal.


Sean Harkwick   Senior Account Director   TBWA London      MGM/OMD London      OMD Paris      GFMO/OMD Hamburg      OMD Milan      OMD Zurich City      OMD Netherlands      OMD Madrid      Mediataktik Stockholm      TBWA/Chiat Day Los Angeles      TBWA London

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