Glass: The Lion For Change > Glass: The Lion for Change



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Why is this work relevant for Glass: The Lion for Change?

In Bangladesh, where sex work is taboo and nearly 100% of sex workers are female, Bidyanondo confronts the harsh realities of gender inequality, socio-economic barriers, and sex trafficking. Structural gender disparities force many women into sex work due to limited alternatives. With 91% of Bangladesh's population identifying as Muslim, societal prejudices further stigmatise these women. Bidyanondo's groundbreaking initiative, the White Light District, emerges as a transformative force against this backdrop. By addressing the vicious cycle of undignified professions like sex work, the project not only rescues women from societal prejudice but rehabilitates them, offering a path towards a more dignified and wholesome life. This impactful endeavour by Bidyanondo reshapes lives and social standings, standing as a beacon of hope in the fight against gender inequality.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the Jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work.

In Bangladesh, where entrenched gender inequalities, socio-economic barriers, and sex trafficking prevail, Bidyanondo, a Bangladeshi non-profit, took a groundbreaking initiative through the White Light District under the Shombol umbrella. Amidst societal prejudices against female sex workers, this endeavour reflects Bidyanondo's unwavering commitment to community development.

Strategically leveraging the unique circumstances of Ramadan, the White Light District emerged as a transformative force. Recognising the societal belief that deems sex work a sinful act during this sacred month, Bidyanondo seized the opportunity to empower sex workers. This initiative, harmonising with Bidyanondo's core values, aimed to break the cycle of coercion by providing education, skills, and alternative career paths.

Confronting the harsh realities where gender disparities force women into sex work due to limited alternatives, Bidyanondo's approach prioritized rehabilitation and dignified livelihoods. Successfully transitioning over a thousand sex workers to socially respected jobs, the project offers a tangible solution to prevalent gender inequality.

Amidst the cultural, social, and political climate around gender representation in Bangladesh, where media regulations and civil liberties issues shape narratives, Bidyanondo's White Light District stands as a beacon of change. This impactful endeavour not only aligns with the brand's commitment to community empowerment but also challenges societal norms, offering a pathway to dignity and empowerment for marginalized women. It not only reshapes lives but also underscores Bidyanondo's pivotal role in the ongoing fight against gender inequality, serving as an inspiring example for navigating complex cultural landscapes.


Bidyanondo, a Bangladeshi non-profit, launched the transformative White Light District initiative under the Shombol umbrella, embodying its dedication to community development. In the backdrop of pervasive gender inequality, socio-economic hurdles, and sex trafficking in Bangladesh, Bidyanondo boldly addressed societal prejudices against female sex workers.

The initiative's brilliance lay in its strategic alignment with the unique circumstances of Ramadan, a sacred month where societal beliefs deem sex work as a sinful act. Bidyanondo seized this opportune moment, aligning with its core values to empower sex workers through education, skills, and alternative career paths, effectively breaking the cycle of coercion.

Confronting the grim reality where gender disparities propel women into sex work due to limited alternatives, Bidyanondo prioritized rehabilitation and dignified livelihoods. Successfully transitioning over a thousand sex workers to socially respected jobs, the White Light District exemplifies how innovative strategies can challenge societal norms. This impactful endeavour not only reshapes lives but also

Describe the cultural / social / political climate around gender representation and the significance of the work within this context

In Bangladesh, where entrenched gender inequalities, socio-economic barriers, and sex trafficking prevail, Bidyanondo, a Bangladeshi non-profit, took a groundbreaking initiative through the White Light District under the Shombol umbrella. Amidst societal prejudices against female sex workers, this endeavour reflects Bidyanondo's unwavering commitment to community development.

Strategically leveraging the unique circumstances of Ramadan, the White Light District emerged as a transformative force. Recognising the societal belief that deems sex work a sinful act during this sacred month, Bidyanondo seized the opportunity to empower sex workers. This initiative, harmonising with Bidyanondo's core values, aimed to break the cycle of coercion by providing education, skills, and alternative career paths.

Confronting the harsh realities where gender disparities force women into sex work due to limited alternatives, Bidyanondo's approach prioritized rehabilitation and dignified livelihoods. Successfully transitioning over a thousand sex workers to socially respected jobs, the project offers a tangible solution to prevalent gender inequality.

Amidst the cultural, social, and political climate around gender representation in Bangladesh, where media regulations and civil liberties issues shape narratives, Bidyanondo's White Light District stands as a beacon of change. This impactful endeavour not only aligns with the brand's commitment to community empowerment but also challenges societal norms, offering a pathway to

Describe the creative idea

In the heart of Bangladesh, a Muslim-majority country, the sacred month of Ramadan brings a unique pause to the lives of both sex workers and their clients. In this serendipitous hiatus, Bidyanondo saw an extraordinary opportunity to shatter the cycle that enslaved sex workers. Recognising the untapped potential within this break, our innovative project harnessed the idle time of sex workers, catalysing transformative change.

Describe the strategy

Bidyanondo's strategic approach commenced with volunteers compiling data from social and cultural studies. Understanding that individuals, motivated by religious beliefs, shift towards piety and abstain from sex work during this sacred month, the organisation discerned a unique opportunity. Further insights revealed the lack of real-life skills and education among sex workers, making it challenging for them to transition from their existing profession. Additionally, menopausal sex workers faced a decline in customers. Leveraging this knowledge, Bidyanondo devised a comprehensive strategy. Collaborating with psychologists and professionals, volunteers directly engaged sex workers, guiding them from the confines of a red-light district to a dignified "White Light District," where training and alternative employment opportunities awaited. The intentional decision to maintain a low profile in the PR efforts aimed to protect the identities of the sex workers and mitigate potential societal repercussions.

Describe the execution

During Ramadan, Bidyanondo volunteers directly engaged with sex workers, providing impactful sessions led by psychologists and professional skill-building training such as, sales, sewing, block dyeing, freelancing, and cloth printing.

The initiative was implemented during the month of Ramadan (23rd March 2023 - 21st April 2023) and the initiative will be repeated every year during the month of Ramadan for a 5 year period with possibility of extension.

The initiative was implemented across the Red Light District, from there the sex workers who were willing to change profession were relocated to a different region to provide a fresh start.

Equipping them with essential skills, Bidyanondo empowered individuals to break free from their tumultuous pasts. Post-training, Bidyanondo facilitated job placements or entrepreneurial opportunities based on their interests.

This creative intervention changed the narratives of approximately 1000 female sex workers marking a profound shift in their trajectories.

Describe the results/impact

Over 1000 sex workers were able to shift to dignified professions in 2023. Inspired by the success, we are aiming to facilitate more sex workers by 2024.

The White Light District initiative is set to repeat annually for the next 5 years to facilitate sex workers of Bangladesh to live a dignified life.

Describe the long-term expectations/outcome for this work

White Light District breaks the vicious cycle of coercion for sex workers who had wished to switch professions but were unable to do so. It removes the burden of stigma that is placed upon them as the project also relocates the women.

The initiative is set to repeat annually for the next 5 years to facilitate sex workers of Bangladesh to live a dignified life.

The project will continuously try to enable sex workers to switch professions and if it receives adequate funding, it will continue beyond the planned 5-year duration.

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