A Graduation Ceremony across borders

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The world is not equal, and it can't move forward if millions are left behind. IDA, an association of the World Bank, is making a successful path towards change, highly dependant on country's governmental donations. But these are not up to the global demand for these effective grants and loans - and IDA's awareness is quite low. So they need a youth-focused public-facing campaign that reaches beyond the usual suspects to engage and rally global consumers.


The world is not equal, and it can't move forward if millions are left behind. IDA knows this, and acts on it, but no one knows about IDA.

What's more, and apart from a very few (and loud) socially responsible people, most of us are increasingly silent, cynical and quite skeptical about change. When we see another call for help, we keep scrolling. Negative and shocking messages no longer work - but IDA has success stories able to create a sense of positivity that can grab attention among young people, entrepreneurs and influencers to champions and advocate for IDA, and thus create social pressure in governmental decision-makers to increasingly take action and prioritize global solidarity.

So that's our challenge: create an extra thing to IDA's usual communication to catalyse global support, and resonate IDA's impact and importance to global consumers.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

Everyone needs to know about IDA… but are they listening? People often avoid engaging with negative content, namely campaigns about social problems, disparities and climate vulnerability. Let's face the ugly truth: when we see another call for help, we keep scrolling. In a place of privilege, it’s uncomfortable to face a crisis. It’s overwhelming to tackle this disparity. We don’t like it. We ignore it as soon as it is no longer new. Look at the refugee crisis. Look at Ukraine. Look at Palestine. Look at Yemen. But this doesn’t happen because we don’t care. It’s only human: research in psychology found that individuals are more likely to disengage from negative information because it can trigger uncomfortable emotions like sadness and guilt. Consequently, social media users are more likely to engage with content that is entertaining and uplifting. So why not hack a moment of celebration to talk about IDA?

Creative Idea

Everyone comes together for a graduation ceremony. Celebrating our achievements, even friends and family gather, cheer and document this important moment. Inspirational commencement speeches by valedictorians and celebrities are widely shared on social media - and some get viral: 2024's Roger Federer did, Steve Jobs back in 2005 is still widely shared.

So what if we take this opportunity to celebrate IDA’s own graduates: the countries that have graduated from recipients? What if we create a global movement in 2024’s graduation ceremonies in donor countries to invite an IDA graduate country to give its own graduation speech?

More than a single campaign, we will create a global movement. We will celebrate the graduates - both countries and students. We will celebrate the solution. And we will make this graduation viral.