A main guy

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According to Getty Images research, the advertising world has been perpetuating a strong "male" archetype for the past 75 years, defined by muscles, wealth, and women. This outdated portrayal has had a detrimental impact on Gen Z boys, leaving them feeling inadequate.

Since 2017, The Unstereotype Alliance has been harnessing the power of advertising to break down these stereotypes and shift public perception. Our brief specifically called for addressing this issue and presenting a new vision of masculinity for Gen Z boys.

This print campaign aims to redefine masculinity for Generation Z, offering a fresh and inspiring model. It provides a compelling alternative to the traditional "man" image, celebrating individuality. The message emphasizes that personal worth and unique qualities are far more valuable than the conventional male image promoted by the media.

Creative Idea

The concept for this example stemmed from the core message in the brief: "version of success." We identified an object with multiple versions, where none are superior, and each serves a unique purpose—a shelf with differently colored books.

Each color represents a distinct purpose and story. This mirrors men, who possess unique skills, appearances, and significance, both in society and individually. Can you write your own story and find your place among these books, challenging the conventional and negative "male" model? After all, your uniqueness is what makes you "you"!

Strategy and Insight

The concepts and visuals showcased are crafted to inspire every Gen Z guy to embrace his individuality. By emphasizing "be your own version and write your own success story," we aim to provide the motivation needed to shatter stereotypes. Asking "What is my story and color?" will prompt self-discovery, encouraging each individual to proudly place his own story on the shelf.