A new generation of alpha males

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In today’s world, there are two kinds of alpha males. We start our video by showing the first kind. The alpha male we all know. The one that is obsessed with muscles and financial wealth. That doesn’t talk about his feelings. That is, in fact, fueling the outdated definition of success.

Then, we move on to the second kind. The man that is part of Generation Alpha (the generation that comes after Gen Z) and therefore – literally – is an alpha male.

The second kind, the young man, is looking for success. And although it first looks like he’s interested in the financial wealth – he isn’t. He’s opting for another version of success: having a simple conversation.


Men are still being portrayed the same way in advertising as years ago. As if they’re only interested in muscles and money. As if these kinds of things make them successful.

The Unstereotype Alliance is done pushing this outdated idea. This ridiculous way of thinking. They want to show younger men that success cannot be defined in terms of physical strength and financial wealth.

True success lies in being happy. Having meaningful relationships with others. Talking. Supporting your friends and partner. Taking care of your mental health. And in many other things.

With this briefing, The Unstereotype Alliance wants to support young men in their own version of success – whatever that might be. They want to set a positive path for their future.

Strategy and Insight

In advertising, men are often characterized as ‘alpha males’. Obsessed with their muscles. Spending a lot of money on boats or cars. And of course… never ever talking about feelings. Oh, could you imagine if they would do that!

Right now, a new generation of ‘alpha males’ is emerging. Literally. The generation of people born after 2010 is called “Generation Alpha”. Therefore, if you are 1) a male person and 2) born after 2010, you are by definition an ‘alpha male’.

With a new kind of ‘alpha male’ comes a new kind of success. We want to make sure these young men don’t define success in terms of physical strength or financial wealth. That’s why we literally show a shift in how success is portrayed. We move on from the money to something so easy yet so meaningful: having a good conversation. This way, we want to inspire young men to talk more which is also beneficial for their mental health.

We make sure the video immediately grabs your attention. The editing is very snappy and could easily work on TikTok. There’s enough humor to keep the young viewers entertained. We bring not one, but two generations together: Gen Z, who easily recognizes the bad representation of the ‘alpha male’, and Gen Alpha, who we’re trying to set a positive example of success for.