Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Through a development financial model which consist in grants and low-interest loans, IDA provides resources to the countries needing investment for a more prosperous future. This December 2024, donors will meet for the IDA21 replenishment. This replenishment is particularly important since crises are emerging all over the world hitting the poorest. For IDA, it is important to create awareness of their efforts to mitigate these crises through the financing of development projects and the organization believes in mobilize young people to achieve this.

AB InBev is the largest brewer in the world with iconic, meaningful and loved beer global brands. Our efforts go beyond maintaining leadership in the beer market since we have a strong commitment to create more reasons to cheer by supporting sustainability and development projects in the communities we operate. How can the leader beer company contribute to IDA objectives and enable it's global platform?


The client challenge is to robust the December 2024 replenishment through the increase of donor countries contributions and the addition of new donors countries. Through a message of bringing the world together, IDA expect to increase awareness of their efforts to help low-income societies to invest in their future, capitalizing the power of influence of young people and their capacity to motivate governments to take action. The desired outcome is that leaders decide to take more actions and give the extra to the cause motivated by what their young citizens believe in.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

How can we engage young people that have the capacity to influence on governments because they are social advocates who motivate other people to take action? How can we create a global platform where young people have the opportunity to be part of IDA's mission even where it is not tangible for them the impact of the organization and the action of donating?

Insight: Competition motivates, brings people together, create conversation, increase performance and challenge and stimulate the status quo. How can we capitalize this?

By creating a new sport: The Solutions for Social Change Sport through a global, annual and recurrent platform: The Development World Cup powered by AB InBev. Amplified through the launching of a special global beer which ABV% has been hacked by the % of IDA voting power for each donor country.

Creative Idea

The Development World Cup will bring young competitors from all over the world together to deliver solutions for social problems within the client's target countries. Through this cup AB InBev will encourage delegates to bring ideas while representing their country as donors. Government representatives will be part of the cup as judges for the ideas, expecting to create in them a feeling of commitment.

In order to amplify the World Cup, AB InBev will launch a special edition of Budweiser beer which ABV% has been hack to communicate the % of voting power the donor country represents in IDA.