Ad like to be…

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Media is polluting young men’s dreams. There is too much noise from “manfluencers” and even ads that distort what real, fulfilling success looks like for men. They diminish success to the need to be an alpha.

The advertising industry has the power to make a positive change. We know this, because we are responsible for a big part of its harmful impact on modern masculinity.

It’s time to make modern society a safe place for men, starting from the youngest adults that will set the basis for the generations to come. Through the Unstereotype Alliance, we can change the narrative on how young men are seen.

Creative Idea

Alpha male images have intruded into the minds of young men, controlling their ambitions. When they think of their future selves, they are bound to project some form of a picture-perfect man from idealized contexts.

We need to call this out and call our ads out, for this idea to be authentic and honest.

We aim to change the narrative of success from “ads” back into “I’ds”.

To earn our audience’s attention, we include a sharp twist in the copy that highlights the intrusion of advertising in the most innocent of phrases, soliciting the help of an icon who unites us all: this icon has managed to drop his macho act and now adland must do the same. We use a typical male “ad” pose in a self-satirizing context.

Strategy and Insight

Ads are all about “Top of Mind” awareness. But now, we are actually in the minds of Gen Z men, involuntarily setting the standards for their ambitions.

This is the greatest of adland’s responsibilities. The organization’s work of un-stereotyping success in the perfect response, as it transforms advertising into a force of good.

By inviting men to learn about us and support our cause, we can further fulfill our vision of showing them all versions of success.

To achieve this, our creative will take men back to their childhood where their dreams were born. We’ll call out the way advertising has impacted them, with an icon that has set a standard for how men should look, but also a symbol for a refreshed take on masculinity.

This answers the brief by addressing the need for multiple representations of success, referencing the mentioned swift of perception of success between men and their younger selves.

Finally, we ask men to learn more about the Unstereotype Alliance. By visiting our website, they can stay informed and witness history evolving to include them in the best way possible.