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There is currently no worldwide advocacy campaign that brings people together, highlights local solutions, and pressures leaders to take stronger action against the climate crisis.

The brief asks to bring more people into the movement for climate justice, and unite the people who are already fighting, but fractured. So, how do we unite those who all want the same thing?

Our idea should hero women’s perspectives, unite the voices of front-line workers, Indigenous communities, and all who support climate action, to pressure our leaders to follow through on their commitments and amplify solutions leading change for a climate-safe world.

Most of all, our idea needs to rally and give Dandelion and its symbol meaning, and fame.

Describe the creative idea

Climate activists around the world don’t feel their politicians and leaders truly represent change.

They think they represent industry and powerful lobby groups, and 89% think they need to act more.

Meet AiYana.

The world’s first artificially intelligent changemaker, powered by collective Indigenous intelligence.

To unite the world, let’s create the first unbiased voice actually armed with the solutions to the climate crisis. AiYana is an AI trained on the collective climate knowledge of women fighting on the frontline everywhere in the world, powered by banks of existing papers and traditional climate resilient techniques.

Aiyana is a traditional Native American Indigenous name which translates to ‘eternal blossom’, making it perfect for Dandelion’s digital spokesperson, and the perfect name for resilience.

AiYana is not just an AI - she's part influencer, part people's delegate, a symbol for hope, and the resource the Earth needs. Supporting AiYana is simple, with a dandelion.

Describe the strategy

It’s a big problem that the environmental charity and NFP space is fragmented and overwhelming for people. It’s no wonder most climate conscious citizens feel directionless and alone. What the world needs is a collective voice.

“When woman leads action follows.” - Mary Robinson, Co-Founder of Project Dandelion

But who said they had to be human?

Virtual creators have exploded in popularity in recent years. A recent study suggested 46% of Gen Z are more interested in brands who use them. According to Influencer Marketing Hub, in the US alone, more than 58% of consumers follow at least one virtual influencer and by 2026, 30% of influencer marketing budgets are expected to be taken up by virtual influencers.

What if one virtual woman could harness the collective knowledge of Indigenous and frontline women all over the world fighting the climate crisis, and be the voice we need to drive change.

Describe the execution

Over the next year, we’ll utilise the learnings from frontline defenders, research papers, and Indigenous experts to fill AiYana’s knowledge bank.

We’ll unveil AiYana to the world, asking them to join her fight, and join her at COP. In the lead up, we’ll encourage everyone to champion AiYana’s seat at the table by sharing their intention to tune in, and declaring they too, are a Dandelion.

She'll takeover our socials in the lead up, inviting people to become a Dandelion - just like her. She can direct people to our site, where they'll register their willingness to mobilise for her when she calls. The Dandelion is her badge. And yours.

We’ll make the Dandelion symbol AiYana’s rallying cry, and a symbol of unity and hope. At COP, her keynote will announce she is now open source, so policy makers around the world can adopt her solutions and make tangible impact.