"An Unusual Candidate" US Digital Hispanic

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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The vast majority of the population (89%) is concerned and believes we need immediate climate action policies. However, politicians are misleading us with complex information and politicizing the climate crisis, despite it affecting everyone globally. In 2024, with over 60 countries holding presidential elections, our future is in the hands of electoral candidates, making this a crucial year. Yet, our current and future leaders are delaying action instead of addressing the problem. That's why Project Dandelion is here, to ensure our collective voice is heard by those in power. To create public pressure, and to build a momentum by recruiting Dandelions who seek immediate action against climate crisis.

Describe the creative idea

We will unify the unheard voices of front-liners, digital noisemakers, and every person across the globe whose stories, needs, and plans of action are being silenced. We will do this by creating a worldwide non-political A.I. candidate: An “Unusual Candidate” who will create brand awareness and unite the voices of individuals worldwide who will share their solutions for a climate safe world. An electoral candidate who will depoliticize the climate crisis.

Describe the strategy

•89% of the population is concerned believes we need immediate climate action policies.

•In 2024, with over 60 countries holding presidential elections, our future is in the hands of electoral candidates, making this a crucial year.

•Digital Noisemakers, First-line Responders

• Living in a world were a.i. is constantly growing this could feed off comments of Dandelions from any social platform

•A.I. generated character who collects the stories and solutions of all who wish for a climate-safe world.

Describe the execution


The a.i. generated non-political candidate will first collect comments from a selective group. This will create brand awereness and allow individuals who wish to join the movement share their solutions.


This will be implemented in 2024 along the elections but will have a a longterm live across platforms.


This will be implemented in different languages across multiple platforms and countries.

Scale: Being an A.I it can constantly be growing, making new content, allowing this campaign to last over time.