Are You Swiping 'Right'?

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset
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Representations of men in the media paint a very one-dimensional portrait of what a ‘successful

man’ looks like, how they talk, what they do and own. The Unstereotype Alliance, collaborating with 240 member organisations globally, is committed to eliminating harmful stereotypes from advertising like this.

The objective is to ‘Rewrite how men are seen’ - make masculinity more inclusive by changing young men’s definition of success from ‘what they have’ (muscle, money) to ‘who they are’ as individuals (their values, beliefs and personalities).

Describe the creative idea/insights

Consumer Insight: The definition of ‘successful man’ for young men is not created by young men themselves. Their views are heavily influenced by those they're attracted to! 2 in every 3 young men are single and having a life partner who supports them is their definition of happiness. Thus, what their crushes think about them decides what they think about themselves. Desirability is a proxy for success.

Media Insight: Which is why, they spend much of their time on dating platforms. However, at 2.5% average match-rate, they feel rejected and unsuccessful every day. This is not a them problem though. It is a function of dating platforms’ primary profile inputs that focus on ‘what they have’ (degree, job, height, physical attributes) and not ‘who they are’ as people / their personality traits. Thus, even when they’re swiping right, they’re not swiping ‘right’.

Describe the strategy

Idea: Are you Swiping Right?

We aim to remove the current primary profile inputs on leading dating platforms and replace them with inclusive personality inputs like ‘Man Written by Women’, ‘The library is my gym’, ‘Small muscles, big heart’, ‘Cooking is my love language’, in addition to inputs like ‘Alpha Men’, ‘Life of the party’, etc. Men will be able to add labels that describe them best from these inputs and women will be able to filter profiles basis the personality type their looking for. This small change in the user experience will transform how all men’s profiles are evaluated, thus how men are viewed.

#SetUpMyDatingProfile: Starting with a social campaign led by popular influencers from fashion, beauty & lifestyle, creating their type in the desired gender basis the new personality filters; urging their followers to tag their right fit. Social Handles of Dating apps will also promote new filters.

Describe the execution

Media Channels & Integrations:

Dating the ‘RIGHT’ way: Partnering with Love Island Netflix, the platform & participants will be scouting & screening men basis their ‘men-clusive personality filters’ and not physical attributes, extended on to its Interactive Game.

Podcast on Spotify discussing these topics with ‘successful’ males basis the men-clusive personality filters & not the perceived societal status.

Finally, Unstereotype Alliance’s network of partners will celebrate ‘Mensclusivity’ on Linked In, and will launch a film in November - i.e. ‘Men’s Mental Health Month’, celebrating Men-clusiveness in Dating - with the captivating message - ‘We changed ‘Dating’, so you don’t have to’

This will result in a scale of 1 Billion+ Impressions,

A higher engagement & conversion rate on dating apps for men & women - an increase of 38%.

But most importantly, It will create a perennial shift in GenZ Dating, driven by a behavior change & inclusivity.