Be Many

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Our film expands on the idea of what success means to a young man. Showcasing the fluid nature of their goals and how they define success. What you want to be when you’re 18 is completely different to when you’re 27 and that’s okay.

We do this using sketches on napkins. Where so many great ideas have started, from iconic logos to famous movies and ground-breaking business ideas. This device highlights the ‘never-finished’ and ‘ever changing’ nature of young men’s goals and visions for success.

The sketches (goals) start out how we expect but then slowly evolve into more unexpected aspirations before we end on our CTA and platform Be Many.

Encouraging young men to embrace and be comfortable with the many versions of themselves. Without feeling the pressure to be what others think they need to be.


How young men are projected in media differs from what young men actually want. Leading to disillusion about what success is.

We want to challenge the idea that success has an end point, rather it’s something that evolves and changes throughout life. Maybe when they’re young success means getting shredded physically, which is okay. But when they’re older it means getting shredded spiritually, which is also fine. Goals change and you don’t need to cling to versions of yourself you don’t want to just because you feel you should.

We want to make it clear that It’s not about picking option A or option B of what type of man you want to be. It’s about being open to the many successful versions of yourself throughout your life.

Strategy and Insight

Gen Z men, aged 18-27, have grown up in a time where masculinity is constantly questioned. We’ve come a long way in empowering women to be whatever version of themselves they want to be, but we’ve forgotten that young men still need empowering to reach their own goals.

We don’t see success as being one thing, rather a series of goals that changes throughout your life.

So in our film, we encourage all young men to Be Many.

We open with a hook for young men, prompting them with a question they might already ask themselves:

“How to be a successful man?”

Rather than suggesting an alternative route to success we present the idea that every man has many versions of success within him, that will change over time. Reassuring them and encouraging them to be comfortable with that.

An essential practise for anyone wanting to become successful is goal-setting. Which is a core theme of the Be Many platform and the reason for our visual device. Be Many asks men what they want to be, then encourages them to set goals and achieve them, whilst showing that success takes many forms throughout life.

The rough, illustrative, comic book style presentation of our idea nods to this view of success being ‘never-finished’ and ‘ever-changing’ while also making it more approachable for our young audience.

It’s not over polished or perfect. Because there is no perfect idea of what a successful man is.