Behind The Label


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Background Text

Words shape the confines of our world.

Linguistic relativity states that the structure of a language influences its speakers’ cognition and viewpoint. You can’t understand something fully or express yourself without the words to do so. Similarly, in behavioral studies, the Pygmalion Effect teaches us that labels matter. High expectations in others lead to improved performance whilst low expectations lead to worse results.

Targeting B2B audiences, Jood Kitchen aims to empower homeless people through upskilling, career opportunities and social reintegration. However, looking at the definition of “homeless” itself, we came to realise that not one positive synonym exists. How can a homeless person feel empowered when the label defining them holds them back?

Our campaign idea builds on behavioral psychology to develop a marcomms strategy that drives real impact. We sought a creative concept that is collective, shareable, and emotive – giving real people the space to tell their real stories.

Describe the creative idea

The label is the biggest problem.

“Homeless” does not immediately bring to mind traits of reliability, excellent quality, hygiene, and impeccable service – all required of a professional chef. Why would an established business trust a pilot restaurant operated by trainees to prepare a meal?

Tackling problematic misconceptions of laziness or addiction, we seek to reframe how big corporate entities and FMCG brands may perceive Jood Kitchen’s trainee chefs. We’ll do this by giving each individual a face and personality #BehindTheLabel of homelessness, combining emotive storytelling with shock tactics.

In parallel, we will kickstart the movement on LinkedIn, challenging corporate leaders with whom Jood Kitchen has existing relationships to show the world who they really are #BehindTheLabel. Redefining a digital platform known for humble brags and ostentatious titles.

Describe the PR strategy

#BehindTheLabel is built on the insight that people tend to feel greater empathy, and an urge to help, when stories revolve around a specific individual compared to a larger group. Our core message therefore pivots on sociological issues of profiling, perception and identity.

We’ll inspire brand trust and awareness in three core stages:

1. Fashion Trust Arabia: We will hijack Morrocco’s event of the season, making headlines by shifting the needle on homelessness with the world’s high-end fashion labels.

2. LinkedIn Banner: Taking to the world’s largest professional network, we will invite business leaders to challenge their own labels with an exclusive #BehindTheLabel banner. Nominations amongst KOLs will encourage the bandwagon effect.

3. Amplification: Editorial opportunities, brand partnerships, gifting initiatives, and roundtables to position Jood Kitchen as a trusted partner for businesses.

Describe the PR execution

In PR, timing is everything.

What better time to make business owners think about their own future events than at Morrocco’s hottest event of the season? Jood Kitchen will launch at Fashion Trust Arabia in October, serving VIP guests a plate printed with a QR code which – once revealed – allows diners to learn about who exactly prepared their meal.

From this #BehindTheLabel surprise and a dedicated microsite, we anticipate a stream of positive testimonials – all whilst driving app downloads, encouraging donations and bookings, and directing visitors to LinkedIn. Sustaining the conversation throughout November, we will invite existing partners to see #BeyondTheLabel and challenge the platform’s humble brags.

We’ll gain traction through press and influencers, speaking opportunities, gifting, and more. To reach FMCG brands, another key demographic, we will create a humorous shareable graphic transforming the ubiquitous “Nutritional Facts” present on every label into “Nurturing Facts.”