Being yourself, becoming man KOREA

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Write a short summary of what happens in the film

Our film is about a man trapped in masculinity which doesn't change over time, getting out of it and finding his true self in his reality.

As time passes, society changes, but men trapped in masculinity which is only impose the same framework of stereotype. and he feel uncomfortable because it’s not sense of sustainable accomplishment or satisfaction.

Therefore, he has decided not to conform to this framework and he just do ‘out of box’.

Loving flowers, poems and desserts, he is one of our true selves.

loving makeup and beauty, concerned about the environment, and doing small things is our way of doing things, he is one of our true selves.

Through his journey, he who resembles us recognizes what is the real success of real man. And he shows a new masculinity by acting for the values he pursues and doing them with confident.


These days men felt a great gap between reality and the image of a uniform successful man created by advertising and media, and they have the problem of lowering life satisfaction due to anxiety and depression that they were behind.

In particular, GenZ generations who compare and evaluate their lives through various media and numerous influencers feel depressed and anxious that they are more marginalized and behind.

In fact, they live a small enough happy life, but they are suffering within the stereotype of outdated masculinity created by the media and our client wants to suggest to them a new type of masculinity.

So, we focus on various man's life in reality not images of stereotypes drawn by advertisements and media. And we found that there are a lot of happiness we enjoy in daily without recognition of success.

Strategy and Insight

We wanted to send the message that the small happiness and moments in our daily lives are the real success.

We suggest that the inner ability to act for truly loving values and doing that, not the existing external image such as muscle, is the new masculinity required in this era.

And designed the video with consideration of GenZs, the client's main viewing target, because they do not consume content if they cannot focus their attention with an intense image by 1.2 second.

- Evoke curiosity through opening sequences using ‘homo Sapiens Evolutionary Images’ at start

- Visualize the difference between the individual's anxious psychology in stereotypes and the individual's happy psychology in freedom using color contrast

- Deliver messages with familiar things such as tattoos and custom T-shirts that usually showing their values to the world

- Touch them out of screen through the use of selfie videos and hashtags that anyone can take with their phones

We hope that the film will show that true success and masculinity are the happiness and self in our daily lives for men who are shaking with anxiety and vagueness, especially GENZ boys, and that sustainable life will be achieved.