Billy Wilder - The art of diversity

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In August, MIS in Sao Paulo will host a new author's exhibition dedicated to Billy Wilder, a filmmaker with an extraordinary and exciting career. The main challenge in the development of visual ID - creating an immediate connection between the audience and the exhibition and, at the same time, introducing the name ‘Billy Wilder.’ Unlike other filmmakers, Mr. Wilder isn’t as famous as some iconic scenes from his movies and the visual identity must stress this point and clarify it. The brand also has the challenge of being versatile. It must be used in all communication material about the exhibition.

Describe the creative idea

Billy Wilder once said: «Don’t be boring». He was an outstanding example of versatility in the world of cinema. He was a true generalist in cinema, able to work in various genres and create films that remain relevant and popular to this day. His ability to combine comedy and drama, use elements of noir and satire, and create intense court and war dramas make him one of the greatest directors of all time. As part of the idea, we decided to show Billy Wilder's versatility as a director in his identity. To do this, we have developed a design system that combines different fonts, colors and patterns, thus showing all the diversity of Bill Wilder's work.

Describe the execution

Each genre of Billy Wilder's films has its own font and color code, characteristic of the mood of the genres. Much emphasis is placed on typography — it is as diverse and sometimes provocative as the director's films. All shapes and fonts are combined with each other, just as the director proficiently combined different genres in films.